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Posts posted by BrummieVillan

  1. I can only point out my own unattendance and that of my 5 friends was nothing to do with McLeish and EVERYTHING to do do with the board.

    Whether I or they will be tempted back anytime soon is very much up in the air

    Free lollipops?

  2. Whatever the reason (and there are loads of legitimate ones, I understand them) it was still a disappointing attendance, but like I said I have faith it'll improve.

  3. Disappointing number but I have complete faith that some people can find money from somewhere and come to support us. It may be very low for us but I think attendances will improve.

  4. Are people seriously moaning about how loud the PA was? Come on mate with due respect you don't sit in the holte for a noiseless day out.

    I don't sit there in silence, no. I couldn't give a toss if it was loud, but it was deafening. Were you sat in the Holte?

    I wasn't having a go, just amazed I guess. Yes k4, one row from the back.

  5. At the moment I still think Bannan looks more ready but that's just my opinion. If Delph does become class then I certainly won't be complaining.

    Just don't see the Bannan thing been around the squad for 2 years now and has struggled to break through....he also couldn't get into the Leeds team after a few matches starting for them.

    He still needs improving that's a given (lol Given... :bonk: ) but his distribution of the ball is quality and the way he zips about a lot with his short passes is neat too, I'm yet to buy into the Delph hype tbh but like I said I'd be happy for Delph to win me over.

  6. I wouldn't worry about him making his own chances etc. we bought him for finishing and that's exactly what he has done, can't knock him. He's missed a few but he's human, top striker. One of the best finishers.

    Not sure if this is in response to my post, if it was I think you might have miss understood the points I was making as in no way was it critical of Bent.

    It was yes, I wasn't trying to point out that you were critical of him though just my take on him as a player really. :)

  7. I wouldn't worry about him making his own chances etc. we bought him for finishing and that's exactly what he has done, can't knock him. He's missed a few but he's human, top striker. One of the best finishers.

  8. Not one person had a bad game everyone played at a high tempo and dare I say I couldn't moan about one thing, jesus christ things went sooo well Heskey scored ;)

    Great to see such positive attacking football and yet great defencding too! It's a shame Gabby got injured as he was on course imo for motm, great goal too. Just hope Albrighton continues to shine...got his name on my shirt this year lol.

    I'm genuinely happy with the performance of everybody. Really well played.

    Well played to the fans too on the noise part. Great atmosphere in the upper holte as always. Nice to hear more people singing the bells are ringing too all be it fast and clapping.

    The only disappointment is the 32k attendance, which I guessed looked like 36k.

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