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Posts posted by bozboz

  1. is this a joke thread? sack the useless muppet a.s.a.p, 8 points from a possible 30. no other club would tolerate such a run of poor form.


    nearly as bad as villa they have 10pts from their last possible 30, but got 26pts from their first 10 games.

  2. If you are looking for the best manager in game in terms of realism, tactics, accuracy, data...football manager is the way to go.

    If you are looking for a game that is a similar set up to the described above but just a lot worse, like in a way how a League 1 team try to play as good as football as Barca....then get Champ Man.

    If you're looking for a totally shit game, try FIFA manager.

    thanks for the info, FM11 only £15 on Amazon. just gotta make sure I got specs to run it now.

  3. a bit off topic, but I'm looking to buy a manager sim game over the next few days' can anyone recommend what is the best one? I've heard good things about FM11 but has anyone tried the FIFA manager game? I have champ manager 2010 but not really that impressed by it tbh. any input would be appeciated thanks.

  4. love and hate this game - was beating arsenal 1-0 on hardest difficulty last night then they get a free kick from 40yds and whack it in the top corner. always seems like the game is more difficult on semi-pro than the harder difficulties aswell?

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