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Posts posted by villabeths

  1. hi general ,

    i'd just like to too say my little bit and give my full support to everyone at the club .

    sometimes when you read some of the post on here you can forget just how good last two seasons have been

    as in most cases the people that are most vocal are the most negative but also in the minority

    internet message boards seem to be the breeding ground for this type of negativitity

    hopefully you can see past the minority and know that the silent majority are fully behind the team and management

    i feel i need to write this because it worries me there has been a couple of stories in the press about the fans being on

    MON's back after the wigan game and some of threads on here just add to the negativity.

    i know there will always be critics, especially after we loose thats the nature of football

    But i for 1 and every other fan i speak too face to face know that randy and MON are the best chairman and manager that villa have had for more years than i care to remember

    UP THE VILLA !!!!!!!

    keep up the good work and don't let any one tell you any different

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