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Posts posted by Tokyo_Sexwhale

  1. Except, it DOES have an effect. Perception can mean fewer visitors, less money circulating in the city, firms deciding not to locate offices or departments here. Birmingham has virtually no media presence - the BBC have all but sodded off, and Central is owned by Carlton now, and other than a couple of regional news and sport programmes may as well no exist; so no-one is going to blow our trumpet for us.

    Things like this "TripAdvisor" thing, are small in themselves, but they all help to establish Birmingham a little more. And it's relatively easy to do. TripAdvisor has free city guides which people can download onto their phones or ipads or view on the net. Positive reviews and details of what the city has to offer is surely a positive thing?

    It's not as if the Villa or Blues are promoting a positive image at the moment!

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