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Posts posted by Stevieger

  1. Rangers fan here, 


    just wanted to post and let you know i will be looking out for your results and hoping villa do well, for me i wish SG all the best and hope he takes villa to the next level. 


    Rangers where in a bad place and SG turned our club around in the lg and in europe ina shoe string budget compared to villa money. He put os back on top as Scotlands No1 club, left us in a great position before he left. I will always be grateful for what he achieved. Celtic where years ahead and SG pulled us back to No1 and beat some great teams in europe.  He left leaving us in a great spot., totally turned us around , i know the Premier League dont rate scottish football and i fully understand that but his european results and progression was outstanding, ive nothing but respect for him and i hope he is successful for villa. 

    im not sure but i think we got villa to pay 7 million for him and backroom staff, money which Rangers need the guy is a legend in my eyes and wish him and villa all the success he and villa can get. 


    All the best to SG and villa 

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