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Posts posted by seboyle

  1. 15 hours ago, Eastie said:

    Always been decent on the bail , started off in midfield as a kid - very good in possession 

    I think the thing with JT is that his ability on the ball has always been overshadowed by his prowess on the physical side of the game. It's like we can't accept that an all action centre half like him can also play a bit, instead we see him as the typical British style defender and don't notice how good he is on the ball. Maybe it's also that he doesn't bring attention to himself either, he's not flash or spectacular so he may not get the plaudits that other apparently more 'ball playing' centre halves get but he usually does the right thing, the correct thing for the team, simply and with good technique. His footballing brain is superb and seldom lets him down.

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  2. Hi, Chelsea fan here in peace, been watching and enjoying the John Terry thread. Hope to be able to post on there and wishing you lot the best of luck for promotion. It's been a long time since I got to enjoy a promotion party but it really is one of the best feelings going. The relegation that has to come before it is not so good mind. ;) 

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