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Posts posted by aussievillan




    So it's perfectly fine for a club to accept a bid (as Lorient presumably did), for the player to hop on a plane, travel to a different country and then be told 'actually we want more money, so come back on another plane or get your NEW club to offer more money' ?

    I see nothing wrong with him coming out with comments (other than that he does come across as a bit petulant) :D what Lorient have done is a bit unfair on the player.

    My company sends me on planes to places all the time, I just do as I'm told. I don't start threatening to effectively go on strike, they'd telle where to go.
    Thats neither here nor there. My company sends me all over the place too, and they pay for it, but that doesn't mean that it's right for a Football Team to say "we've accepted an offer, you can travel a few hundred miles to discuss terms and have a medical............... No wait, we've changed our mind. Your trip was pointless, come back, get the next plane if you can, we have training in the morning"

    Don't think you'd be giving such sympathy if this was a villa player refusing to turn back up for work...


    Dont think Villa would go back on an acceptance of transfer fee & then tell the player to get more money from them. Not how you do business once you have given approval for the player to speak to the club. If the player cannot agree personal things, thats a different matter.

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  2. We are well on our way to being left behind in this League. West Ham, Palace, Southampton, Stoke, all better than us now. Christ maybe even Bournemouth will finish ahead of us. Poor if we lose against them, even if it is our first game.

    As for Sherwoods impressive management, me along with others we have seen some good, but are yet to see him as "impressive"?

    Only on paper. Anything can happen when the season starts. A couple of wins & confidence rises, regardless on how many you bring in or spend.

  3. Dont understand what all the panic is about. Sherwood has come in and added a different thinking to the club. I even think Lerner has come round to his thinking as well. We still have a few weeks of transfer time & Im sure that Lerner will make more funds available to meet Sherwoods plans. However, its difficult to change the perception from other people, ie agents of players that we would like to join our club. The mentality of possibly being in another relegation battle this season affects the thought process of changing clubs. Hopefully, Sherwood & his team are able to convince enough talent to have faith in the rebuilding process at the club & want to be part of something new & exciting. I have faith, its up to us as the Villa faithful to support him.

  4. Unfortunately I can see only about 30m being re-invested at the moment, That would be for a new striker & midfielder on top of Amavi. Should there be doom & gloom after the first couple of games, then more money may be made available. Will be tough for Tim to shape this team so quickly, patience & total support will be required from everybody.

  5. Dont think Villa will sell him unless someone offers the 32.5m contract clause & then they will have no choice but to sell him. If it does happen lets hope it is not on transfer deadline day &  gives us time to invest in new players, 

  6. Whilst the proof of a good manager is always judged by results, I think TS understands that providing good football & entertainment is paramount. Its always a fine line but to achieve this, history dictates that you require a balance between youth, experience, quality & commitment. He will need time to build the squad to those values & In my opinion we should be patient & see what players are actually signed, not what these crappy newspaper reporters keep filling their pages with links that are not there.

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  7. G'day! I emigrated to Australia in 1992, having previously been a trinity road season ticket holder for 15 years. I am able to watch all Villa games live on cable here, so you imagine how frustrating that is!! Whenever I return to England, always manage to get a least one game in. Was there last May against Hull in final home game to secure safety. This year was more depressing until Tim came to dig us out. Pity about Fa cup Final but hopefully we canbuild a squad to compete a little better. Huge job for TS, hope he gets the funds & support from the board, whoever they may be.

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