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Posts posted by Leve90


    Alright lads and lasses, I am the city fan who asked that article to be posted. (i didn't write it so can't take the credit for that unfortunately).


    The thing which annoys me is the fact that fans up and down the country, agree with the shite portrayed in the media and slate other fans for their attendances. Fans will take joy in slating oppositions fans for having empty seats while ignoring the fact the same issues that are causing them are affecting their club too. The cost of match tickets are scandalous, £50 away at hull for city for example, and moving kick off times so there is no way to get back shows a complete lack of respect for fans who made the english game what it is today. Unless fans of all clubs do something about it, nothing will change, and we will be replaced by day trippers and upper class fans.


    Sorry for the rant, just riles me because i could soon be priced out of following my club, while the media and sky are laughing their bollocks off.


    Anyway you should have more than enough to stay up this year, hope so as Villa is one of my favorite away days!


    Nice one, mate. Always good to see decent opposition fans coming on here, and making an excellent point.


    I think we're so desperate to prove we're different or better than any other set of fans, that we forget how alike we all are when it comes down to it. Go back to the roots of the game, and the majority of football fans come from very similar back grounds, and enjoy much of the same things. For the good of OUR game, it would help if we could put petty squabbles aside and see the bigger picture.



    Cheers, exactly what i was trying to say - the only thing that different is the team we support.


    I'm not that old but even i have seen the demographic of match going football fan change. There is nothing worse than going to Arsenal and seeing half the ground full of corporates when north London parents can't afford to take the next generation of fans along.


    I don't know what your ticket price was on Monday? But id guess 30 for adults 15 for kids and for a family of four that is £80 on a winter monday, when its on TV in the run up to Christmas. People have to make a choice and voted with their feet which is fair enough. 


    Kids for a quid and adults around £20 the place would of been full, and as someone mentioned above the effect on your bottom line profits would be negligible as Ticket sales are only a small % of clubs revenue these days.

  2. You can say with mathematical certainty that if you shuffle a pack of cards, that they have never been in the same order before.


    The odds are: 80,658,175,170,943,878,571,660,636,856,403,766,975,289,505,440,883,277,824,000,000,000,000 to 1. 




    (Stolen from QI, cheers Fry)

  3. Hi villa talk, i am a manchester city ST holder but spent 12 years in birmingham, many of my mates our villa fans who have taken me to handful of games and i have a much respect for your fans and club as a whole.


    Anyway, in light of the bashing you got in regards to your low attendance on Monday, and having been on the receiving end of similar at city, just thought you should see this article posted over at the bluemoon-mcfc forum. Might be of interest to you.




    If this doesnt get approved or whatever needs to happen, best of luck for the season and looking forward to my trip to Villa next season!








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