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Posts posted by chief_hughesey

  1. General,

    Unsure if you can sort this one out, but I've just been on net trying to find out about transport for going to the Villa on boxing day, we normally go on the train, but according to central tranis they're not in service at all on boxing day, i've emailed arriva buses they've not replied yet, i'll be going from Cannock that day as my parents live that way on and i'll be there for xmas day/nite then boxing day. Is there anyway of finding out if Villa can put anything on at all? Obviously not F.O.C. Not sure if this has been brought up yet or not by anyone else or even the Villa site, I can't get on it whilst at work, and haven't been on it for a few days at home.....

  2. just sat here at work jus pondering what to write.

    i've not said a fat lot on here before, and i've not quite read from page 1 (think i started around the 300 mark), but i would like to mention that its weird that such a small thing (putting a board member on the net to try and communicate with us Villa fans) is very clever i feel.

    not only are they getting useful feedback, they're getting idea's n alsorts thrown back, and a few comments (regarding transfers) which is only coming from our heart as other people have mentioned, we just want the best for "our" club!

    i cant think of any idea's right now to put forward, but am liking what i have read from our people on here, so well done to u lot too.

    again Genl / M'ON & Randy - I wish to say a huge thanks for the last couple of yrs and now again an impressive pre-season.

    long may it continue (I hope).

    love me, the short fat stubby villa bloke in the holte, normally slightly intoxicated and stinking of fags.

    "C'mon you Villa Boys".

  3. Hi Gen

    I emailed the Villa store website last week regarding being able to get hold of the new shirt when I'm out in America next month, I want one whilst i'm there obviously to show off, any idea if you know of any Nike stores or sports shops that will stock it - we're flying to LA and cruising around in a motor home for a few weeks, it comes on sale over here whilst i'm away hence the reason for this msg, they've not replied yet, well they hadnt last time i looked.

    Oh a quick thanks to you and everyone at the club for a top quality season last yr, hope it continues and we all see progress again in all area's.

    Again thanks, all my love and support, Neil.

    x (for u MON - wink wink).

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