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Posts posted by Fredyeah

  1. FC Groningen has bought some terrible players, which all basically were no good. Bacuna was 'used' the last seaons to fill the gaps. For his natural position as CM we've had Femi (3,3 Milion), Lindgren (brought back), Sparv (1,1 Million), etc. Those guys needed to play to make sure we could sell them... And about him not being at the U21: Did you know that we have 10 A internationals that are also playing on the U21? Van Rhijn, Martins Indi, Blind, De Vrij is also the defensive line in our 'big' orange squad....

  2. Hey all,


    Just like Sublime, I also signed up due to the Bacuna transfer. Just to throw my 2 cts in there... 


    Bacuna has always been seen within the club as the talented player in our squad and as you are probably aware, there are some mixed feelings about him in Groningen. I think this comes from the fact that he hasn't excelled in many games. He can be a bit wild sometimes, but my guess is that that's also because of his age. Please bear in mind, it is hard to excel in a squad when you're 18-21 and you have played all the positions in midfield, in 433 and 442 and right winger and as a back. This tells me that the three different trainers we had last years still preferred a 18-21 year old Leandro Bacuna over other players... In an interview Bacuna said he was pretty much done with all the different positions and wanted to focus on a position as a CM. Next game he was positioned as a right winger... He's hardly ever injured and is fit. Like all players from the Dutch league nowadays who transfer to the bigger leagues, expect some time where he needs to build on his physique, as the PL requires more physical labor than the dutch league does. 


    Also... please bear in mind the the northern part of Holland (especially Groningen province) is known for it's stubbornness and 'stay in line / don't draw any attention to yourself' mentality. The glass is always half empty, so to speak. Next to that, Bacuna is the last player we have in our first squad that actually is own youth. I'm positive that he'll turn out to be a valuable contribution to the Villa squad. Just don't expect him to shine from the very first minute in a Villa jersey. Let's wait and see... A lot of (Groningen) people were also quite negative when Robben, Suarez, Koeman, Nevland, Granqvist, etc. left Groningen.... ;)


    P.S. About the Dutch and the English language: Another big advantage we have in the Netherlands is that English / American shows don't get translated, but subtitled. The Spanish and German for instance re synchronize whole shows with their own audio. We're just too small to only get by with Dutch. If I go on holiday to the UK and I need inquiries, I speak English. When I am in Amsterdam and somebody asks me for directions, I get approached in English, Spanish, German, etc. Funny how that works...   

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