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Posts posted by jtm2y

  1. I killed and i'm bringing it back. Braves had a huge day yesterday. Sorry to see Glavine go. But excited for Hanson. Hopefully McLouth will add some pop to the lineup.

  2. It's easy to be heavy handed retroactively. Baseball asked for this problem long ago. Got their profits during the HR record chase and will pay for it for another good bit.

  3. FLA are looking more and more common. My Braves (horrible without McCann) took two from them after today's W.

    Manny News--> None of this surprises/will surprise me any more.

  4. Love the stuff, its based on my favourite drink of ammareto, coke and a drizzle of cranberry juice. Bloody amazing

    Good call on the Amaretto flavor.. I've actually had a "Flaming Dr. Pepper," which is nothing but dropping a shot of Amaretto into a pint and downing it quickly (if you want the flaming part, 3/4 amaretto, 1/4 PGA and light the PGA). It tastes nearly identical to drinking a Dr. Pepper.

  5. I'm not sure what doug was talking about with his Marlins rant... one owner had a fire sale one time. after the 97 world series. then the club was sold in 98. then the club was sold in 2001. other than that they made good trades and made good use of their farm system for 2003 world series. i guess you could argue delgado and lo duca, but still hardly a fire sale. I don't see anything wrong with making trades to bring in young and therefore lesser paid talent. As far as the Miami fans that are being "driven away," they averaged 16,000 in 2003. There's a beach and supermodels in Miami. The rest of us have baseball.

  6. yes that was funny !

    so is that team though

    HA! they signed Zimmerman to a four year deal worth 40+ mil I believe. He had the balls to say it was because he liked the direction the club is taking. C'mon bro.. it's about the money. Just the fact that they signed Adam Dunn and wanted to throw 160 million at Tex before that, shows that something isn't clicking with their management. What does one man who hasn't done much until after the All Star break gonna do for a team that has finished 20 Games Back on average the last four years?

  7. I do feel for the Phils fans.. we lost Skip Caray in the offseason and then Pete retired. luckily we still have chip caray, joe simpson and don sutton came back.

    anyway, mostly AL East fans on here i suppose?

  8. As much as I want the US to do well... I hate seeing Chipper get hurt more. granted he's at the age where he's bound to be on the DL at some point during the season. But to see the Braves crippled with injuries so much last year, don't want to see similar things happen this year. should be time to spur on a youth movement in the club.

    BTW Levi, it's really gonna blow to see Smoltz with no name on his back this season, best of luck to your team. What's expected of him up there?

  9. USA/Canada Pool C finale would be very good!

    It's a game more appreciated by actually having tried to play it. Like pretty much every other sport I can stomach to watch. Hitting a 95 mph pitch is about as difficult a thing to do as any other action in any other sport.

  10. The games in Tokyo have easily had the best atmosphere. Even with some severe blowouts. The constant chanting/cheering is something you just don't see here in the States.

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