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Posts posted by MaccVillan

  1. I have to admit that, having been happily married for many years, I have been having an affair with a long time mistress! There, I have told the world...


    My affair began in the early 70s but was all very casual to start with - I used to see my mistress three or four times a year and even flirted with others! It wasn't until the late 70s that I decided to make a real commitment and we agreed to see each other every two weeks - always on a Saturday and sometimes on a Wednesday. Well, did we have some fun in those early days - I'll say! But over the years there have been far too few ups and thankfully, only a few real downs - for the most part we've got along just fine, rarely overly exciting one another. Even when I moved away, I have always returned and rarely missed a meeting with her.


    Mind you, nowadays, we rarely get see each other on a Saturday (and never at the usual time) with Sundays & Mondays increasingly likely... and Wednesdays have become Tuesdays for some unknown reason! Thursdays came on the scene a few years ago, were quite exciting but are not likely to be repeated again for some time. I just hope that next year Fridays don't become an option.


    My mistress lives in a beautiful home - completely renovated from when I first met her! My mistress is so generous that most recent visitors seem to leave with 3 gifts. She has only employed two butlers - the first a bit tight with the purse strings, who had to retire but can still be seen around from time to time. He was replaced by a handsome young American who promised the world but seems to have lost interest recently. The housekeepers have been pretty average - indeed my first was the most successful but the Scottish ones have generally been disasters .. especially the most recent ones!


    I have always bought my mistress new clothing every year and I have known that I have shared her with many, many others. I have never loved her more than when one of her employees fell seriously ill - she responded magnificently and made me realise just how much I loved her. However, recently, she has started to look at lot younger and her youthful veneer seems to be putting more off than you would expect. The last two / three years, my visits to her home have seen the 'f' word change - from fun to frustration and I am genuinely worried that our 40 year love affair is nearly over.


    Do I carry on for just one more year of possible pain or end it all now and move on? Deidre, I need your help .....


    My mistress is of course ....... Aston Villa!



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