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Posts posted by mcsmudger

  1. General,

    What a difference 12 months can make. We go from having MON as manager, two Wembley appearances and knocking on the door of the Champions League to farcical managerial appointments and knocking on the door of the Championship. Imagine what we could have done with the cash that is being spent on managerial compensation (MON, GH, Small Heath FC).

    A lot of people outside Villa pointed to Randy and his board as an example of how foreign ownership could be done. Rediscovering our history and enhancing the infrastructure of the club at all levels.

    Now everyone is pointing the finger at a group of individuals that look lost and way out of their depth. I'm not a fan of AM but now he has been appointed I will be backing him as he is the manager of my team. It's a shame no-one from the board was there at his press conference to show their backing (at the least Faulkner should have been by his side). Too scared to face the music ?? All I can say is he has bigger balls than any of you on the board.

  2. Hi General,

    Do you think we are actually going to see any new players at VP this summer ? I'm starting to get really stressed now, all I am hearing is reports of players leaving the club (Barry, Maloney, Harewood) plus of course those who have gone already. By my reckoning we are going to have to sign in the region of about 12 players to improve on the squad we had last season. I will be renewing my season ticket despite the above inflation price rises but will be absolutely gutted if I have to watch an inferior team playing for a mid table position. There is loads of talk of ambition and regular european football but I honestly am struggling to see how we can achieve this without the 12 new players and a massive transfer kitty. I have faith in Martin but I wish we could have a few more actions rather than just words.

    Thanks for everything you, Randy and MON have done so far by the way.

  3. As a season ticket holder in the Trinity Rd I was fully expecting a price rise for next season. We have been lucky over the last couple of seasons when you compare us to other clubs in the PL.

    £510 is a lot of money, particularly at the moment living in rip off Britain.

    However, if we genuinely want to compete in the premiership and break in to the top four then price rises have got to be expected. Take at look at the season ticket prices for the current top four.

    We still get a good deal when you compare us with the losers down the road, they are getting ripped off from the price of the tickets to the price of their programmes.

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