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Posts posted by Corscombe_Villa

  1. General Krulak here:

    Do you honestly think that Randy Lerner or General Krulak would risk their hard-earned reputation to gain a few thousand new season ticket holders??

    Strange refering to yourself in the third person viewpoint particularly in that context. I'll write a letter to you at VP because I'm not convinced about the authenticity of this.

  2. Before I start perhaps I should establish my credentials, I've been supporting the Villa since I attended my first game at the age of 6, 32 years ago. My father is also a Villa supporter, and the first date he had with my mother was at Villa Park standing in the Holte End. His father before him was also Villa supporter, and it is entirely possible (due to the long family connections with Birmingham) that his father was also a Villa supporter but unfortunately I never had the opportunity to ask him before he died.

    I have come here today to express my current opinions and do not expect an answer or response, but I do hope that you will take the time to read my comments.

    Firstly I would like to comment on the press releases that have been coming out of Villa Park for the duration of this summer. These messages regarding signings, especially before season tickets went on sale have I feel been over optimistic, misguided and naive at best, demonstrating a fundamental misunderstanding of the game. This has now led to the situation where our manager is under a great deal of pressure from the less perceptive fans all stoked up by the media who feed off this kind of discontent. I do hope that he is not to be "hung out to dry" for the failings of the club, as far as I am concerned you are completely responsible for the current position we find ourselves in.

    Martin is a great man and manager, and deserves the utmost of respect. You may have read what he has done in the game but I (and many fans) have lived through it; his days with Clough and Forrest, to his remarkable achievements at Leicester and his single handed rejuvenation of Celtic. I have been waiting since 1982 for a manager of his quality to take charge at Villa and help us regain some dignity within English football. I will not be impressed if he is driven out of the club by incompetence in the running of the club in regards to the management of expectations of the fans or handling of the media.

    The majority of Villa fans are sensible intelligent people and we can take bad news, so please just stop the constant spinning and sound-bites that come out of the club. To be honest at the current time I don't believe a single word that comes out of VP at the moment, and I'm losing faith in you, your team (NOT THE PLAYERS OR MON!) and Mr Lerner.


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