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Posts posted by bosser_in_the_suit

  1. hey General, long time lurker on here and season ticket holder- really good to know we have a member of the board on here to address any praise and concerns to!

    First of all, was really great to see a packed Villa Park yesterday and some of the cosmetic changes to the ground, from the new advertising boards to the updated signs/badge on the stands. Thanks for all the positive developments.

    A couple of minor gripes/feedback points- re: the food at the ground, as others have already said, there were issues with food quality and the menu's not being updated as well as new staff either not speaking English well/not giving the sort of speedy quality service we'd expect. Admittedly it was a full house and the start of the season so a big test but after seeing the problems at the Inter Milan game the week before I was hoping things may have improved for the Liverpool game but have to say having had a real battle to get my server to understand what a chip butty was, and getting similar feedback from others in the Trinity Lower, it seems things didn't improve significantly.

    The other thing was there was a very long queue to get into the Holte Suite from 2 hours before kick off, with no real organisation of the queue so it was stretching back almost to the road and people were getting in the way of cars etc. The length of the queue was largely due to there being only one till/entry point at the front of the holte suite and the guys on the door made a point of saying they were sorry and that there should be two tills/more people on the door to get people in but whenever they had fed this back that to the club management they apparently weren't interested and the same problem keeps being allowed to recur. The bar was pretty slow too when we finally got in due to new staff etc so the club probably missed out on a fair bit of business from people who gave up waiting to get in/left early.

    Anyhow don't want to get it out of proportion and am sure the club will get it right eventually just thought the feedback may be useful. Thanks again!


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