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Posts posted by villain86

  1. 1. We are very serious about seeking new fans at the Uni. If you want someone to come out and talk about tickets, etc. we can arrange that. Birmingham University should have a whole contingent of Villa Fans!! Please contact Nicola Keye at Villa Village and give her your idea


    As a season ticket holder and student of 4 years (And counting) Birmingham Uni does indeed have a fair number of villa fans, going by my experience... I was a rep for the fresher’s fair held at the guild at the start of uni this year and villa were the only team with a stall at that fair. They were running a draw for a couple of tickets to a match. I felt that was a bit of a limited offer.

    I think that the main reason students do not go is simply down the cost, with many students struggling to pay bills and rent. I've always dragged my villa mates from uni to the football and took advantage of the 6 tickets for £5 each. I Think Aston Villa could raise its profile at the university as it stands. I know societies take students to football matches, I remember being asked which team I would like to go and see in a society questionnaire.

    I’m not sure in what context some one from Villa could be sent over to the uni to talk about ticketing and what not... Maybe run a fans forum thing for uni students, to gauge thier views and situations? You would probably need to talk the guild (of students) about that. I know that Sheffield Utd ran an offer at Sheffield University for their game against us, I think students were allowed in for £5 for that one, televised match.

    I would say that as a student of four years, I have only had one "lower cost" season ticket once in my four years being a season ticket holder. Student tickets used to be under-18's (when I was over 18) only but we recently changed it for the better to allow tickets for "young adult" which I think was a great idea. Unfortunately for me I was 21 when they started that! D'oh. But that’s history as they say.

    I have just officially set up the aston villa society at birmingham uni, it will take week or so to get fully up and running but keep an eye out around the uni for details of how to join. we want as many people as possible, not even necessarily villa fans, to get involved and hopefully if the club would be willing we could get some sort of budget group tickets sorted out for members

  2. Hi, I'm a student at Birmingham University and we are in the process of setting up the official Aston Villa Society at the uni. We've had a good amount of interest from people wanting to join and i've been told that there are some international students also interested in seeing football at the villa. I've also heard that the club may be interested in drumming up suppport at the university...Ideally we are trying to avoid a 'fan club' like thing but a social society for students who want to watch football at the villa (fanatical fan or not!). I was basically wondering what you or the club would make of this and if there would be any chance in the society being recognised by the club (i.e. cheaper match day group tickets, activities etc).

    Also this website is great and its really good that a director would take the time to speak to the fans, it is much appreciated!

    Up the Villa!

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