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Posts posted by Digsby

  1. My take on this is very simple

    I am a free citizen in a democracy.

    therefore, the State is employed by me, as is the Police Force, the Army and indeed all the other various bits and bobs that go along with it

    Therefore, the police, army and other paraphanelia of government may be required, should I, or indeed any citizen so request, to prove who they are . However, I am under no obligation to prove to anyone that I am anyone, as I am a free citizen, until such time as it can be proven, beyond reasonable doubt, that i am a criminal.

    therefore, should I be required to carry an ID card then, in all seriousness, I would set fire to the thing. it runs directly contrary to my basic right to privacy. Who I am matters not, I am a private free citizen, who is not convicted of any crime - that is all you need to know. If you wish to prove I am other than that, then go ahead, prove it.

    Very righteous.

    Very very naive. Money talks. A true free person need not prove anything. A true free person will not pay taxes and be totally self sufficient. No law enforcement requirement. No refuse collection. No electricity requirement. No Euro/ WHO trade dependency.

    We rely on the Gov't to help us. They control us.

    They control you if you let them.

    They provide those services for you, on your behalf.

    If you don't like the way they deliver those services, then as a free man you have the option of taking away their right to deliver them.

  2. My take on this is very simple

    I am a free citizen in a democracy.

    therefore, the State is employed by me, as is the Police Force, the Army and indeed all the other various bits and bobs that go along with it

    Therefore, the police, army and other paraphanelia of government may be required, should I, or indeed any citizen so request, to prove who they are . However, I am under no obligation to prove to anyone that I am anyone, as I am a free citizen, until such time as it can be proven, beyond reasonable doubt, that i am a criminal.

    therefore, should I be required to carry an ID card then, in all seriousness, I would set fire to the thing. it runs directly contrary to my basic right to privacy. Who I am matters not, I am a private free citizen, who is not convicted of any crime - that is all you need to know. If you wish to prove I am other than that, then go ahead, prove it.


  3. Impossible to answer for me.


    Is the poll not working on your computer :mrgreen:



    Because I'm obviously not happy with how things are currently at VP. But it's hard to explain.

    Because I think the manager is excellent, and I think Randy, General K and the board, along with the people working behind the scenes at VP are brilliant.

    So I'm sort of stuck. When the unmovable object meets the unstoppable force and all of that.

    I just can't work out in my head what's going on. Perhaps it's something about Villa. Perhaps there always has to be something going on. Dunno. I've just lost the thing of actually caring at the moment.

    Just roll on the start of the season. If we are great then ace, and if we are crap then oh well.

    I know what you are saying John.

    I realise that the people we have in charge are obviously very decent, professional people - and the things they have delivered off the pitch have been second to none.

    I also appreciate that Randy has made funds available, and that we now have 2 or 3 great players at the Club as a result.

    I think it is connected to the fact that we can all see a big opportunity to push on, and we seem, for whatever reason, very reticent to take it - which is in complete contrast to the messages we are being told on a daily basis.

    Its frustrating.

  4. Impossible to answer for me.


    Is the poll not working on your computer :mrgreen:

    For me, it feels like we have been spun some very slick Marketing / PR - but I think the value of that may have just ran out.

    Off the pitch we have improved everywhere.

    On the pitch, it really doesn't feel too different to the pre-Randy days, circa 1982 - 2006.

    As its results on the pitch that win you things, I have to vote 'Not Happy' :(

    I know it's your opinion, so you can't be wrong.

    But in regard to the on the field stuff, we have improved every season Randy has been here, quite considerably too. From 16th to 11th then from 11th to 6th. So to say we've not improved on the pitch and it feels like the HDE days is a little unfair I feel, but it's your opinion and I respect that.

    I guess what I mean is that we have been here under HDE, having a strong foundation from which to build - and we never did, we missed chance after chance to push on.

    It feels the same in that respect.

    Finished 6th, in Europe - lets kick on.........instead we have a a squad that would be hard pushed to play half a season, let alone a full one with Europe on the agenda

  5. General Krulak here:

    B) Do you understand, MON believes it is HIS role to not only manage the team but to obtain the players too...players that he is responsible for molding into the type of team he feels he needs. He sees this is TOTALLY his responsibility

    e) All I see now is some people bailing out as fast as they can...and crying for the "good old days."

    Hi General,

    Thanks for getting back to some of the points raised on the last few pages of this thread, people shouldn't be getting personal with anyone, least of all you - I think the majority not only understand, but fully appreciate you coming on here - and do not want to lose that.

    With regards to the points quoted above,

    (a) I think everyone is fully aware that MON is responsible for all aspects of the Team, including the obtaining of players. This however seems to be the problem as he doesn't seem very good at it.

    As others have stated, we have positions on the pitch that have not been covered for 2 years.

    We now have less players than at any time I can ever remember - it doesn't point towards a bright future - and if the money is there, as you say, then serious questions need to be posed to O'Neill.

    (e) I don't see people bailing out and crying for the 'good old days', to be frank, I don't think the majority of us can ever remember the 'good old days' - we had 20 odd years of Mr Ellis.

    Whilst things were rotten under Ellis, we knew they were and cut our cloth accordingly. We have now been given hope and reason to believe that things will be different under Randy - so far, they don't appear to be, with regards to player aqusition.

    I still force myself to believe that Randy is true to his word based on the 'off the pitch' projects he has delivered, and so I have to assume that the problem must lie with MON.

    History dictates that Villa fans, en masse, have got used to things falling around them every 3 years - if it happens under this regime then I think all good feeling will be lost forever, and you will have a fanbase more cynical than ever before.

  6. Impossible to answer for me.


    Is the poll not working on your computer :mrgreen:

    For me, it feels like we have been spun some very slick Marketing / PR - but I think the value of that may have just ran out.

    Off the pitch we have improved everywhere.

    On the pitch, it really doesn't feel too different to the pre-Randy days, circa 1982 - 2006.

    As its results on the pitch that win you things, I have to vote 'Not Happy' :(

  7. General,

    Frustrations are boiling over this evening, frustrations that have been building up for a while with regards to the Club, MON and Transfers.

    It feels as if we are being spun a line with regards to the Football Clubs intentions, and whilst this may have been a thought that many have harboured, it has - up until now, been supressed - mainly due to the positive messgaes / events coming out of the Club.

    This has now been undermined with the latest twist in the Barry saga.

    How and why the Club saw fit to announce to the World that Gareth Barry was not going to Liverpool is beyond me.

    I believed it at the time as I figured that the Club would not be so stupid as to trust Barry once again, after the News of The World incident, and must surely have got Barry to sign the new contract that was being rumoured. I also figured that an announcement from Barry would be forthcoming, again giving the Club some sort of guarantee that he was staying.

    It now seems that none of this happened, and the Club has allowed Mr Barry to make an absoloute mug out of us.

    It doesn't taste very nice, and in actual fact the taste forces me to question, out loud, as to whether any messages coming out of the Club are to be believed?

    As many people have already pointed out, our squad is pathetically low on numbers, with certain positions being vacant for 2 years. Our pre-season is over now and we still don't have re-enforcements. This is, quite frankly, pathetic - and all we hear are the same old messages.

    It doesn't really wash anymore and I think it is time to be told where we actually stand with regards to competing - because this feels, with regards to the playing team, incredibly similiar to the pre-Randy days, circa 1982 - 2006.

  8. What you have to realise is that for Liverpool, this has always been a win-win situation which is why Benitez allowed himself to become embroiled in it in the first place.

    This really isn't a win - win situation for Liverpool, regardless of how much you try to convince yourself otherwise.

    You have, very publically, made Gareth Barry your number one summer transfer target.

    If it doesnt happen, you look very siilly - and Steven Gerrard will probably consider his future.

  9. If I were a player looking to move to a bigger/better club from say West Ham I would look at MO'Ns actions here and have second thoughts.

    Yes, this is my concern too.

    Will the next Ashley Young be so keen to join us if he feels that there is a fair chance, in the event of a potential transfer, of finding himself in a similar situation to Barry?

    I am not for one moment suggesting that we should be signing players who already have one eye on a move to a perceived 'bigger' club - but it will be a genuine concern , on the players behalf, when deciding with whom to sign with, IMO.

    I have respected MON's stubbornness throughout this, but it is now time to do a deal.

  10. Cut'n'Paste Warning

    Information commissioner: Database threatens our way of life, watchdog warns

    A proposed "super-database" tracking every phone call, text, email and internet usage in Britain in real time would be "a step too far for the British way of life", the information commissioner warned yesterday.

    Richard Thomas said there needed to be the "fullest public debate" over the justification for - and implications of - a database which held details of everyone's telephone and internet communications and was potentially accessible by a wide range of law enforcement agencies.

    "Do we really want the police, security services and other organs of the state to have access to more and more aspects of our private lives?" the commissioner asked at the launch of his annual report.

    A Home Office project team is developing the radical plan for a system that would use new techniques to monitor phone lines and the internet to store details on every individual's browsing and communications traffic - although not its content - enabling the police to build a profile of an individual and their network of contacts.

    The proposal is still at a discussion stage between the Home Office and the telecommunications and internet industries, but the government's draft legislative programme for this autumn does include a data communications bill which the Home Office acknowledges may include the legal power to set up such a central database and a public authority to administer it.

    More than 57bn text messages were sent in Britain last year, suggesting that a central database would have to be massive.

    Since October internet service providers and telecommunications companies have been required to keep records of phone calls, text messages, emails and internet use. The companies log names, internet protocol addresses and telephone numbers but not the content of calls or names of websites viewed.

    A Home Office spokesman said a central database would save the police approaching hundreds of internet service providers to see if they held data on suspects. "The changes to the way we communicate, due particularly to the internet revolution, will increasingly undermine our current capabilities to obtain communications data and use it to protect the public. Losing the ability to use this data would have very serious consequences for law enforcement and intelligence gathering in the UK."

    I'm sure people keep telling me this can't happen, but they're trying their darndest to make it so.

    Just the thought of this scares the living daylights out of me. What sort of world would we be living in if this were to ever happen?

    I can see a revolt against machines being a very real prospect in the future - terrorists engaged in a battle to destroy these super computers - and I think I might be one of them.

    That article paints a horrid vision of the future

  11. Went to see the Ting Tings at the Irish Centre last night and they were excellent.

    They sounded incredible live - their music really steps up a level, much more 'dancy' and 'bigger' soundingthan the stuff I have heard on record so far.

    They will be huge I reckon.

  12. Tough one. Both bands have released decent "Greatest Hits"-albums, but that's about it.

    :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    :lol: Well, those are my thoughts and opinions. And tbh, I stick to them. I meant what I wrote. Or perhaps you mean that they were not even decent? ;)

    You are entiltled to your opinions, of course - but The Beatles changed everything, they amount to more than just having a decent Greatest Hits album, surely???!

    Fair play if thats your opinion though - out of interest who would you hold up as being one of the best bands ever?

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