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Posts posted by Laughing_Gravity

  1. If Ellis cocks this one up I would fear for him as the backlash will be more severe than anything he has ever encountered!

    Now that all depends on if at the time Villa lose three games in a row or win three games in a row.

    Villa fans, shallow?

  2. Sack O'Leary now... oh hang on a minute...

    You know I still havn't figured out if David Moyes is great or shite - he must be both, and that Paul Jewel geezer.

    Ahh anyway.. sack 'em all, sack 'em all, the long and the short and the tall.

    Don't magicians have a trick called mis-direction.

    Magicians and Chairmen.... bless 'em.

    2 points off 9th and closing.


  3. Can you play in this world as a lone player. You know ride around like Clint Eastwood in a fist full of dollars? Or do you have to form teams?

    What is the maximum level you can get to?

    Can you become like the Emporer is star wars?

  4. so I jumped into the sea for a laugh to see where it took me

    Hey just like real life!

    When are you guys going to form a really big army and conquer the world.

    My one big worry is that you will split into opposing factions, this always happens with Villa fans.

  5. The object of football is not to score goals, but to convince the officials that you have scored goals. And that is the same in the World Cup final or in your local school team games.

    It all adds to footballs rich tapestry. Injustice? It's part of the game.

    Take that goal spurs didn't score at Old Trafford last year - great! we'll talk about it for years.

    Leave the game alone.

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