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Posts posted by spaf

  1. I've been a fan since i fell in love with 'this is a call' and I think 'In your honor' is almost like a comeback album since i didn't like 'there's nothing left to lose' that much although it has a few great songs(next year, aurora, and generator spring to my mind).

    'One by one' was a step into the right direction but the latest album finally got there and IMO is their best release since 97. Both cds are brilliant. The harder cd is probably their most easily accessible ever and that's not a bad thing. There's not a weak song in the softer one.

  2. He's attacking central midfielder with skill and vision. Occasionally very selfish. He has played winger in Finnish national team and has done well IMO even though he's not expectionally pacy one. But tricky and ambitious. First finn to really hit the tabloids. He has superstar attitude which i like. But he is also very capable of playing defensively. We may have a bunch of midfielders, but i'd love to have him in our squad.

    Eremenko's still not a finished article but i like him.

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