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Posts posted by Fero

  1. Didn't someone say Culverhouse's contract was up at the end of the month too? Why would you pay when you can just wait for it to expire? It's not like Culverhouse is going to be doing a whole lot of coaching in the next three months either...

    Not sure about Karsa's situation...

    As Mazrim said/alluded to, it's very easy to say Randy should pay but would you say pay it if were your money? How about if the compensation money was deducted from the transfer budget? Would you still be as happy?

    I really want Culverhouse and Karsa to come to Villa as I think they will help PL to be successful but I guess we're going to have to be patient, trust PF and RL and keep fingers crossed!!

  2. We might get a bit of money back but I'd prefer he was given a chance in pre-season to see if he cuts the mustard... If he doesn't then get rid at the end of the transfer window on loan or on the cheap, or get rid in the January transfer window...

    I don't think we've got the squad depth to be getting rid of everyone who isn't top-class... We'd only have about 6 players!!!

  3. Doesn't exactly rule out signing Holt from that interview. He just says he hasn''t considered it yet and that he wants to see what we've currently got (I'm guessing he's thinking about Delf and Andi there)...

    I think this is the right approach which is why I'm thinking there probably won't be much movement in the transfer market for a few weeks... Certainly not in the striking department...

  4. I think the kit is really nice to be honest - a lot better than I feared when Macron was announced...

    Ideally I'd like the little men on the shoulders to be smaller (or not there!) but overall it looks very good!

    Will it be sold anywhere other than the Villa stores or through the Villa website??

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