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Posts posted by brummieboy1

  1. I was called again yesterday about renewing my season tickets, surely if we were getting taken over my a group of billionaires who would be investing heavily in the squad they wouldn't be chasing renewals so desperately, knowing they'd get loads of sales after the takeover.

  2. My take is


    1.Lerners I will discuss my position at the end of the season - is nothing more than Lerner not wanting to be pushed around by the press 'I will talk when I am good and ready'


    2.Lambert is finished - He hasn't had assurances about his future, his coaching staff have been dismissed (ok suspended) - The local media are generally hostile to him - and he has said himself that he can't proceed without more investment - which goes against his original remit (young & hungry)


    3.Icognito tweet - about a new chapter - 'more when I get it' - assuming this is Faulkner - he wouldn't be announcing his own departure - so no takeover IMO


    4.I think we are getting a new manager - Either Moyes or Laudrup ......


    5.At an outside bet a DOF - who will review the managers position....


    But overall - although Lerner wants out - I don't beleive he has a buyer - I think something more substantial would have leaked out.


    Agree with above, although Lerner wants to sell I think no'one has come close to meeting his asking price.


    Think it will be announced that it has been mutually agreed that Lambert is departing and then it will take all summer to find a replacement.

  3. Don't think he won a header all night. Positional sense is poor when the play is coming down the left he drifts far too much into the centre leaving way too much space on the right hand side and then he struggles to get across to pick up his man.

    Unfortunately I think the negatives outway the positives with regards to his effectiveness going forward.

    Would me better as a wing back if we play with three centre backs again as in the Arsenal home game or as a backup right midfielder but not good enough as a right back In my view.


  4. I was pleased when we got him in the Summer but to be fair I would have been happy with anyone after McLeish, but have to say he looks clueless and has no idea how to change things, totally different to this tactical genius we were led to believe we were getting.

  5. Nevermind Lambert. Lerner out.

    He's bought our great club with his Dad's money, without a clue how to run a football club, and has run us in to the ground.

    The capitulation of Aston Villa began the moment this stupid bastard had to make any decisions other than renovating a pub and putting up new signs.

    Lambert isn't the problem, **** off Lerner.

    This^^ if he doesn't splash the cash the next two weeks even after receiving $1b from the Browns sale then it shows he has lost interest in the Villa, surely he has to attempt to save his investment..

  6. What i'd like: Using the 6-8m Liverpool owe us get in Adams and Carroll on loan. Highly doubt Carroll would come though so would snap up J Rhodes for 6mil + Fonz, think Rhodes will score at every level,really like the look of him.

    Would get Ollson for 3 mil+ Warnock probably have to subsidize Warnock's wages for a year. Ince from Blackpool for 8 mil and Dawson or Shawcross for 8m. Would even be tempted to offer NRC 15-20k to get a competent DM.

    Therfore for a spend of 25m + money owed by Liverpool would have a much stronger squad.

    What we'll get: Cresswell 5m, Michael Owen, some unknown foreign midfielder on loan.

  7. Very much on a knife edge down B6 right now. Next few days are monumental.

    The squad as it stands will be relegated quite comfortably and I say that with a very heavy heart.

    Agree totally, I appreciate it's going to take a while to play a better style of football, but Lambert will not be able to perform miracles with such a weak squad. Need to add experience to that squad this week otherwise can see us being in the same position in the league come the start of the next transfer window.

  8. I think the legal teams are going through this, the point is AVFC approached Norwich for permission, they refused but PL has a clause in his contract to say he can talk to another club, this is why he resigned. Then he started speaking to AVFC, as he's on a rolling contract they can't do a lot in my opinion.

    So you've seen his contract have you or are you believing the Sun ? I think you'll find that he didn't have a clause saying he could talk to other clubs, hence why hes now on gardening leave until you guys come up with compensation that is acceptable to us.

    So you've seen his contract have you?

    No but our CEO said yesterday in an interview that we're still trying to agree compensation and if he had a clause saying he could talk to other clubs, then we wouldnt have been able to refuse him permission to talk to you would we ??

    That's why paul and others on our side of this are more than a little pissed off with narich. Your club have not acted well in all this and despite all the talk from your fanbase about the relative sizes of the two clubs, naaaarrrrich have shown themselves to be small time and lacking a bit of class and honour. Shame as I always had a bit of time for the club

    Jesus, look in the mirror ffs!

    You poach our manager and still you whinge.

    And by the by, if we've acted wrong, and we have no right to compo, why have you not appointed him yet?

    Its because leagally you can't.

    It sounds like Norwich do a lot of things underhand when it comes to contracts. Which is why they've still got a suspended fine over their heads from when they breached the football league rules when they took Lambert from Colchester without even bothering asking for permission.

  9. James Nursey ‏@JamesNursey

    #AVFC will hope Lambert takes his coach Culverhouse with him as gather Ian is superb and does most of training and is v good tactically

    Hope so James... Coaching and tactics... Yay!

    Yeh was listening to a sensible Norwich fan earlier who said Culverhouse does a lot more than most number two's and even went as far as saying he selected the team, tactics and substitutions for games with PL doing all the man-motivation, therefore would be worried if he didn't come.

  10. At least we have asked Norwich for permission to talk to PL and gone about things above board. A bit different to when Norwich went behind Colchester's back..

    "Lambert's move to Norwich sparked controversy back in 2009. Colchester reported the Canaries to the Football League for a breach of regulations and misconduct after the Scot switched clubs.

    Norwich were forced to pay £425,000 compensation. A Football League tribunal also fined the Canaries £200,000, of which £125,000 was suspended for two years."

  11. Please not Kevin MacDonald, Please not Kevin MacDonald, Please not Kevin MacDonald, Please not Kevin MacDonald!

    Out of some of the names being linked...

    Solskjaer - Not coming

    Martinez - Flying to America within the next few days to have talks with the Liverpool owners

    Rodgers - Turned down the chance to talk to Liverpool. I doubt he'd talk to us

    Lambert - I obviously have no idea if we've actually approached him or held talks with him

    Villas Boas - I really doubt that he'd come here, especially to work on a small budget

    Benitez - Like 12 months ago, he'd want a huge transfer budget that Randy wouldn't be prepared to give

    That will be part of the problem now I think. While Villa are still a great club, our current "project" is not very attractive. Working on a small budget and continuing to trim the wage bill is not exactly exciting is it! I don't know, maybe I'm over thinking things but I can really see this manager search getting desperate... AGAIN!!!

    Just can't see out board being capable of securing anyone on that list.

    Think the bookies can see that which is why Grayson is now favourite.

  12. Feel good at the moment, if a little concerned about relegation, just the thought of him going and the end to his negative football makes me feel positive about watching Villa again. :)

    Same. I think it's almost a certainly now that he'll be leaving at the end of season.

    I'm still not 100% confident yet, I think the coffin lids on but we have to make sure we hammer the nails down at the Spurs game, we need to protest before at HT and afterwards and get the message across again. Otherwise I can just see them saying oh the Bolton game was just a one off, he's kept us up we're going to give him another year as he's promised to be in the top half of the division next year. I think we're just going to stay up now but we need to make our voices heard about McLeish's tenure to ensure he goes.

  13. quite simply, it's impossible for any fan to support this dumb ass. I gave him a chance, but since february we have played some of the worst football i've seen at VP, and have literally had no goal threat without Bent.

    If by some miracle we remain in the Premier League and Randy does not sack this muppet i'll also have lost any remaining respect for him.

    Had enough now !

    Since February?? Think he's football was turd from the day he took over, we even struggled to be creative enough to score against Hereford until the last 10 minutes, I remember the Newcastle game in September where we had one shot on target all game, he has been woeful all season with one fluke result at Chelsea away, and yet the fans have been extremely patient with him.

    Worst home record in 138 years should be enough to prove that he can't continue.

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