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Posts posted by gingerjust

  1. I would love for the club to say 'No Stewart, you're our player, we don't want or need to sell you, you will play out the contract that you're paid very handsomely for'.

    These excuses of 'I want to be in a team that wins things and be succesful in my career' just piss me off! Well don't we all Stew! Perhaps if you were a better player you'd have won things already! Stop moaning, be happy with what you've got (which let's face it is more than most of us will earn in two lifetimes). You're good, but you ain't that good so deal with it!

    Anyway, my God man you play for the mighty VILLA! I'd cut off my lefty just for the crowd to chant my name in one game! Forget about the money, you're sorted for life, do something that will make everyone happy. Nobody likes someone who craps on those around them for personal gain. Be original, be one of the few footballers who say 'f**k it, I'm going to stay and play for the club who've given me this chance and I'm going to be loved by the fans because of it'. Do that and I'll make you a medal you can look at when you're retired!

    *suddenly wakes up, smells the coffee and realises that Downing will go for £19m and our great club will move on, as always*


  2. I've heard to settle this argument about Mcleish, Faulkner and Pannu have agreed to a chairmans grudge match, reminiscent of the big daddy/ giant haystacks era of the80's.

    They're both set to wear leotards and have agreed that Faulkner can hold Pannu in a headlock whilst the villa fans around the ring chant 'easy easy'. Mcleish is set to be elevated on a throne in a dodgy blonde wig and lipstick and offered as the 'prize' to the victor.

    Graham Taylor is said to be 'shocked and disappointed' at the match, instead hoping the matter could be settled with a best of three thumb wrestling contest.

    (Any chance this might be picked up by the press? After all its completely fictitious and is not backed up by any official quotes at all)


  3. TBH I'm a bit 'surprised and disappointed' at what Taylor has said. He obviously has about as much clue as to what's going on as the rest of us. I can't see what he's going to gain by having a pop at his former employers, other than a cheap bit of press for himself. He's gone even further down in my estimations and has displayed a distinct lack of class and professionalism.


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