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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Rude elderly people. It's more disappointment, really. You'd think that because they come from a time where people placed more value on manners, that they'd act accordingly. Oh well...

It's probably because they are reacting to perceived behaviour by others around them, mate - I find that if people around me are polite and behave well, then I am too.

However, if there are idiots/assholes/knobheads/schoolkids being prats/student-types around me (eg on a train), then I am Victor Meldrew in return.

Am I old at 45? Probably. :?

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Cyclists on the road.

Dont even go there Wiggy!!! :evil: I have been knocked off my mountain bike so many times by effin drivers!!!! I spend most of my time driving and the short time I am on the road, bang!!!!

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Cyclists on the road.

Dont even go there Wiggy!!! :evil: I have been knocked off my mountain bike so many times by effin drivers!!!! I spend most of my time driving and the short time I am on the road, bang!!!!

Are you one of the ones that dawdle along while everyone else is trying to get to work?

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Dislike Wiggy.

Slow down, breathe, stay wide.

Nothing is worse than some cockfaced car driver screaming past milimeters from your shit scared horse.

Dont get me wrong mate, im always courteous when coming upto or overtaking horses and i would never speed past them as i usually like to have a gander at the totty riding them. But the ones who ride double breast really **** me off!

Dont even get me started on horse shit on the roads!?!?!

Are you into gee gee's Eames?

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^^ Ah right. Two a-breast is a total no-no. Single fine on the roads.

Whats the big deal with the shit? Its just re-fried grass.

Mrs E is well into the gee gees. We've got 3, which by default that I'm into the gee gees.

Before Sprog we used to go to events and stuff and some of the posh totty was awesome (and filthy 8))

Also seen Katie Price at a few events and watching the posh crowd absolutely destroy her with piss taking is bloody hilarious.

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Cyclists on the road.

People like you are the kind of people who piss me off but shouldn't. Just scrape your driving test, did you?

1 minor 8)

Failed your driving test did you?

1st test - 5 majors, 21 minors.

2nd test - 1 major, 3 minors (should have passed - examiner was a cock)

3rd test - 1 minor (should have failed - examiner was being assessed herself and missed LOADS 8))

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