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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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4 minutes ago, snowychap said:

It's downloading at the moment! :)

My son has got his classmates addicted to it , seems remote learning has taken something of a nose dive in the past few days .. on the plus side they have become quite knowledgable about historical world leaders :) 

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1 hour ago, It's Your Round said:

All very good points which I agree with, it’s hard to know what really happened without context as so much is spun by anyone with an agenda. What really pissed me off (that I forgot to mention) was the way she was almost strangling her dog in the video. She wasn’t far off hanging the poor sod. 

That and the need for her to cite the man’s race in that tone. Like you say though she could have been genuinely scared. 

It was a rescue dog apparently and had now been reclaimed by the dog home ..  I imagine her goldfish will be next

 from the short clip it seems calculated and she knew what she was doing with the African American line , but as I say I’ve no idea what worked her up into that state prior to the video being switched on .

the man himself has form for targeting dog owners disobeying the rules and appears to have taken it upon himself to police the park , it’s possible there could have been some previous but still doesn’t justify her actions 


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12 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

She’s clearly a bit deranged but this necessity  to post everything to social media to name and shame people I’m not a fan of .

 You could say yeah well she’s a racist and deserves to have her life ruined , but it offers no context , we don’t know what was said or done before the video started etc.
Not excusing her actions, though the article suggests she has apologised , we  have no idea if it’s  out of character  etc ... The  independent suggests she has been outed online as a liberal rather than a die hard Trump supporter which was probably how twitter reacted to the video ? 


There's no excuse for how she's treating that dog so she can get to ****

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The guy is a bird watcher, so I would say he's well within his rights to police the park of people not following the rules. Much like an angler would probably be pissed off by people doing shit to scare away fish.

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All she did was knowingly attempt to put a black man's life in danger by calling the notoriously-mild mannered NYPD under false pretences while strangling her dog.

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Probably one for the Boring Thread, but... 

I've subscribed to the BFI Player app via Amazon (the opening offer was better than joining BFI directly), watching on a smart TV, with a Fire Stick. Tonight I decided to watch the Turkish film "Once Upon a Time in Anatolia". A search on the Amazon Prime Video home screen brings it up as chargeable (£3.49). If I go into the BFI Player app, (which has no secondary search option), I can scroll through all the categories, but it's not there. Oh well, perhaps they've taken it off the catalogue... HOWEVER... If I go to the BFI Player homepage on my laptop, it shows the film as available - and free to view to subscribers. My next thought was to simply show it on my laptop and Chromecast the film to the TV screen. No can do - because my subscription is via Amazon, I have no direct login to BFI. Deadly embrace! Trying a 'live chat' with the BFI helpdesk grinds to a halt as soon as you mention Amazon - 'take it up with them'. Amazon live chat is unavailable due to the coronavirus pandemic. Pisser. Sure, I can afford a £3.49 movie from Amazon, but I'd like to know why this anomaly occurs.

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9 hours ago, mjmooney said:

Probably one for the Boring Thread, but... 

I've subscribed to the BFI Player app via Amazon (the opening offer was better than joining BFI directly), watching on a smart TV, with a Fire Stick. Tonight I decided to watch the Turkish film "Once Upon a Time in Anatolia". A search on the Amazon Prime Video home screen brings it up as chargeable (£3.49). If I go into the BFI Player app, (which has no secondary search option), I can scroll through all the categories, but it's not there. Oh well, perhaps they've taken it off the catalogue... HOWEVER... If I go to the BFI Player homepage on my laptop, it shows the film as available - and free to view to subscribers. My next thought was to simply show it on my laptop and Chromecast the film to the TV screen. No can do - because my subscription is via Amazon, I have no direct login to BFI. Deadly embrace! Trying a 'live chat' with the BFI helpdesk grinds to a halt as soon as you mention Amazon - 'take it up with them'. Amazon live chat is unavailable due to the coronavirus pandemic. Pisser. Sure, I can afford a £3.49 movie from Amazon, but I'd like to know why this anomaly occurs.


Pretty sure Amazon are being nobbers here. They've scanned their 3rd party apps and found duplicate films, removed them, so the only option is to buy from them.

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1 hour ago, AVFC_Hitz said:

Pretty sure Amazon are being nobbers here. They've scanned their 3rd party apps and found duplicate films, removed them, so the only option is to buy from them.

Yeah, that's exactly what I suspect. 

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22 hours ago, Paddywhack said:

I thought I'd just spotted a scotch egg in my fridge, but it was a kiwi. 

I think it would take me days to get over a monumental disappointment like that. Closest I’ve come was spying a pack of juicy sossidges in the fridge, only to realise that on closer inspection, they were low fat Turkey ones. 

You’re in my thoughts #PrayForPaddywhack 

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On 26/05/2020 at 21:57, mjmooney said:

She's lost her job, too. Worked for a bank, and they've sacked her. 

So i believe. Thing is, she wasn't representing the bank at that point nor was she in the office or branch...she was in her own free time so i don't know whether their codes of conduct should cover her private life. I think her behaviour was totally abhorrent by the way in case anyone thinks I'm sympathetic to her.

I remember a bloke being sacked by DHL or DPD for appearing on tv as part of an EDL march, shouting and gesturing in a racist way....problem was he was wearing a company fleece jacket at the time. D'oh !!!

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16 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

I can't put my finger on why the lockdown has changed it when I've spent hundreds on tickets to watch it this year, but I actually don't have even the slightest interest in watching that bullshit anymore. I think I'm just finally done with it.

That’s how I feel at the moment, but I’ll probably get back in to it again as soon as it kicks off.

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16 minutes ago, Xela said:

Likewise. I'll always want Villa to do well but i'm more of a casual observer now. I can't connect or warm to modern football and most modern footballers.

A long way away from the sport I loved as a kid. It wasn't a monolithic corporate monster then, it was a game for the working person and not seen as fashionable or cool. Ok, rose tinted spectacles but much preferred the game back in the late 80's /early 90's. 

Everything is better when you’re a kid though.

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8 minutes ago, bannedfromHandV said:

Everything is better when you’re a kid though.

Oh absolutely, thats why i said rose tinted spectacles. You can never beat the awe of the first few years of football. 

I still think money has ruined the current game though. 

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