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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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My Dad collected the Images of War, which was a weekly thing. About 30 years back. I think it was four ring binders full when it finished. From memory, it was really well put together


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The old part work magazines were OK. I still have a six volume bound set of the Purnell 'Second World War' from the 1960s. 

The piss-take ones are the ones with bits of a model kit that cost an arm and a leg. 

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On 16/02/2020 at 11:04, bannedfromHandV said:

As painful as it may be you might be best off getting a new boiler mate.

We had something similar a few years ago, ended up costing us almost £1000 in repairs because once one part goes on these things it can cause a chain affect on other parts, and you basically end up paying almost the cost of a new boiler........


Our boiler wasn't bust but it was 15 years old and the shower water kept going cold.

British gas had (and still have) got an offer on new boilers with interest free payment over 2 years. Hive controls included.

We are already half way through the two years, great stuff :)

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42 minutes ago, Paddywhack said:

There's a woman at work who will comment on how many 'syns' whatever you're eating is and if she doesn't know she'll come and scan the packet with her slimming world app.

"Oh my god, this is 9 syns! I wouldn't eat that".

No? Eat this... *grabs crotch*

(I'd never do that)

Oh how we laughed, on our way to the job centre !

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I’ve been to Yeovil and Street today.

Two towns where it appears to be some sort of law or custom that whenever you get to a door, or a shop entrance or the top of some steps or the bottom of some steps or a narrower bit of pavement, you have to **** stop and contemplate life for a while.

Da **** is wrong with those people? There’s always somebody does that, but not everybody, everywhere. 

Like some weird 50’s horror / sci fi **** thing, the **** village of the paused.



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2 hours ago, rodders0223 said:

There is this fat women at work that keeps giving advice on how to lose weight, what to eat, what not to eat, general nutrition and exercise related hints and tips.

You're fat love. Shut up.

Listen to her advice. Do the exact opposite. 

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11 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

Working away in Belgium with a Russian guy, in the main square looking for somewhere to eat

Do I want to share an 8€ large pizza? No I **** don't!! 

Think I've also found the only Russian who doesn't drink

Quiz him on his knowledge of Salisbury Cathedral.


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1 hour ago, villa4europe said:

Working away in Belgium with a Russian guy, in the main square looking for somewhere to eat

Do I want to share an 8€ large pizza? No I **** don't!! 

Think I've also found the only Russian who doesn't drink

Belgium must be bloody small if it’s only got one main square 

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2 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

Belgium must be bloody small if it’s only got one main square 

You say that and I'm in a town called Sint Niklaas and it has the biggest market square in Belgium ;)

Looks a nice place too, apparently antwerp has a congestion charge type thing in the centre so we can't have hotels there 

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The fingernails down the blackboard and the knife and fork squeaking on a plate thing never used to bother me at all and I didn't understand why people hated it.

However, about 2-3 weeks ago, it suddenly really started bothering me and if I accidentally make my knife squeak I want to throw my dinner across the room and throw up. It feels like somebody's pulling my teeth out.

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Thanks to a combination of West Midlands Railway cancelling 2/3rds of the trains on my line because of a lack of available crew, and the highways agency deciding they need to do roadworks on every route away from the station at the same time because, lo and behold, some work needs doing right in line with financial year end, I've just walked in. 

And the train was rammed, of course. And I had to stand crammed between a bike, a living pile of fake tan that had multiplied, and a family with a screaming toddler, and their dumped pram. Which of course they didn't put the brake on, so the entire journey had the handle bump into the small of my back.

**** everything.

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