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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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26 minutes ago, Ikantcpell said:

Would you marry a girl that has slept with 300 guys?

Hold on,  this went from a bird you know to me walking down the aisle with someone who walks like John Wayne in about 2 hours.:D

It's not the 300 so much as the fact she would tell you the number that would put me off.  + what is the margin for error ? + in polite conversation,  what could you say to a bird that tells you 300 ? "Can I be 301"



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10 minutes ago, Amsterdam_Neil_D said:

Hold on,  this went from a bird you know to me walking down the aisle with someone who walks like John Wayne in about 2 hours.:D

It's not the 300 so much as the fact she would tell you the number that would put me off.  + what is the margin for error ? + in polite conversation,  what could you say to a bird that tells you 300 ? "Can I be 301"



What if she didnt tell you, what if you found out from a close friend of her, would it make any difference ?

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If you've met somebody aged 44 and it turns out that she's had 4 or 5 sexual partners a year since she was 18, well that's a big number but probably not a big deal?

If she says she's had 300 men and it was during a video shoot last Tuesday, that's possibly a different thing to consider.

But you can't have strict rules on these things. I mean if the 300 blokes all posted really really good reviews....


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1 hour ago, Ikantcpell said:

Iam the key and she is the lock, a good key can open up all locks, and a bad lock is opened by most keys.

But yeah,iam disgusted by males who wanna shag evrything in sight aswell.

I suppose you're consistent at least. 

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tbh I wouldn't be the slightest bit interested in a woman that's **** dozens of guys, but then I'm a bit of a prude and have never had any interest in the whole one night stand thing.

Each to their own, and I don't think **** around makes you a bad person, but it's not a trait I'd find very attractive.

Edited by Davkaus
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24 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

Why do people care so much about what other people do, if it doesn't affect them?

For most people the words and actions of others, can seem like an attack on their own belief systems, and they treat those who challenge their beliefs, like they have attacked them personally.

Dispute someone's precious beliefs and you can usually expect a personal attack.

That's why the Internet is so much fun. :)


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if you're more of a long term person and you meet someone who hops around more frequently than long john silver pottering around the crew's  quarters after an outbreak of dysentry, then you may wonder just how long it's going to last. And vice versa, but then one would think you'd communicate those things in advance before the rumpy pumpy anyway

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This shouldn't piss me off because it isn't my family but it does because people are such horrifically inconsiderate arseholes.

On my girlfriend's mum's side, there's just her mum (A) and her mum's sister (B)

Context: A lives with gf's dad in Poland. B moved to Sweden with her husband. They are both doctors in a rich country. They have significantly more money than my gf's family (who are pretty well off for Poland)

Basically, B and her family are absolute arseholes. Here's a list of things they've said and done.

  • When my gf came to live in England with me last summer for 3 months, she said to my gf, "you'll probably come back pregnant"
  • They visit Poland every few months or so. The missus's grandpa is nearly 90. His health is so-so. He lives in the same town as A. Gf's parents go to his flat every day to sort out his medicine and bring him for Sunday dinner every week. The last time B and family came to Poland, they lived with the Grandpa. What would be the minimum you'd expect wealthy DOCTORs to do for their dad? They didn't do it. They made a mess and didn't tidy it up. They pissed off back to Sweden without doing any medical checks on the grandpa and made A take grandpa to the doctor's after they left. They didn't sort medicine and demanded money back from grandpa for prescriptions. Lets put this into context. Grandpa gets 1300zl a month pension (around 250 pounds). Both B and her husband make this in a day.
  • They're big PiS supporters. The right wing nationalist party currently in power in Poland.
  • Finally, and this is the one that has prompted me to make this post. B is demanding that she owns the flat in Poland after grandpa dies. I mean, how inconsiderate is that? He's not dead yet. She's constantly bitching that she has to do everything, is moaning at A for asking for money to buy her out of her half.

I just don't get what's wrong with people? Why are they such idiots?

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When athletes at the olympics (or world championships) use the word medal as a verb, i.e. " Well I medalled at Beijing and London so I hope to medal in Rio too"

Words removed :angry:

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12 hours ago, HanoiVillan said:

Would you consider a man who slept with 100 women to be a 'whore', or some male equivalent?

No, he's a stud. Completely different. 

Edited by Xela
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4 hours ago, Ikantcpell said:

Because we are people and we are the scum of the earth.

You've been having a bit of a downer on the whole human race recently haven't you?

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4 hours ago, MakemineVanilla said:

For most people the words and actions of others, can seem like an attack on their own belief systems, and they treat those who challenge their beliefs, like they have attacked them personally.

Dispute someone's precious beliefs and you can usually expect a personal attack.

That's why the Internet is so much fun. :)


I think you're wrong. Idiot. ;)

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So I found a house with masses of potential, offered just over asking price to secure it, so its mine yes. No, the agent wants to take it to best offer. Which basically means, my more than asking price offer has been ignored and they want to as good as a auction to sell it. Its gonna be a mare cause they won't even tell you how much has been offered, an also they have said the highest offer might not even be accepted, because its best offer not highest. I guess this is how they keep in with the law of, officially not calling an auction.

I want the property, so am willing offer 5k over asking price. Will this buy it, F**** knows, but I won't get a chance of another offer.

Meanwhile I have had an offer accepted on a house in Sutton. Though I know I am basically paying for the area, house is small with next to zero potential, but Mrs wants to live in Sutton. Its hard work is life!


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