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Anyone done a skydive?


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Something I never thought I'd do due to being afraid I suppose, but now I'm just thinking **** it I may as well.

Just wondered who else had done one and if they can recommend a place to do it?

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I did my first jump around 3 years ago and over 1000 jumps later i work at a Skydiving centre down in Devon currently. It's a highly addictive sport and i can't think of anyone out of the thousands we take skydiving for their first time each year that hasn't enjoyed it.

As for the scared of heights thing we jump loads of people each year that are scared of heights including some of the staff and you're soo high up that the height doesn't effect anyone.

Location close-ish to you i would recommend www.bpslangar.co.uk which is the biggest centre in the country.

For anybody thats ever considered skydiving but never got round to it i can't recommend it enough!

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Yep did my level one 13k freefall at a centre near March, in Cambs.

Great fun but involves lots of waiting around so you want decent facilities to help kill time which his place didn't have. Not sure if all the centres are dives (pun intended)

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I'm put off now by all this tandem jumping sissy nonesense. It ain't a proper skydive unless you do the jumping out yourself.

Whilst I agree with you a tandem jump isn't the real deal, it is still very exhilarating. I'd not done it before but I did one over Namibia earlier this year and it was **** brilliant.

At some point I'll get round to doing it solo as I imagine that would be even better.

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