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Prometheus - Alien prequel..or is it..


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It's just terribly written. Apparently those 2 blokes are happy to die 'cos they're mates with a bet.

The film doesn't necessarily need any more length - it needed to use what it had better (f'naar!). But the blu-ray is coming with a fair amount of cut footage if the rumours are to be believed which interests me, just to see how they cut the thing to ribbons in the editing room, maybe that may help some of the ridiculous leaps of faith and complete lack of tension in much of the film. Won't save it though.

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Oh i enjoyed it too.

I'll be getting the BluRay. Firstly because I think it will look fantastic. And secondly because I love the Alien series anyway so not owning this wouldn't be right (AvP doesn't count :D )

But there are undeniably a number of flaws with the film.

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There was some talk doing the rounds a month ago about the original script for this knocking around and proving that Damon Lindelof basically ruined it. IIRC the story was another writer had done the script and while, generally, the same plot, it had the makings of a far better film. The studio then gave that script to 'flavour of the month/has pictures of everyone in Hollywood doing Naughty Things' Damon, who absolutely butchered it in his token style, and we got served up Prometheus by Ridley Scott, who isn't and never will be a script man.

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