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The RJW63 Official Jack Grealish Appreciation Thread


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SSN asking all the U21 players their thoughts on the photo

**** off

Why aren't they asking them if they're tempted to get some hookers back to their rooms and racially insult them whilst filming them lick their team mates bum holes? Because the Leicester 3 were players they hadn't built up so weren't trying to knock down...

Exactly. They're not as famous.

What they did was 10 times worse and yet got half the coverage, the media at it's finest





DAMN YOU MEDIA!!!  :angry:

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I don't care what he does off the pitch as long as he performs on the pitch


But when you perform on the pitch.....a bit of slack is usually cut..... for off it.


Rock n Roll is not just smashing up hotel rooms and screaming expletives......to qualify you have a few top ten hits first :)

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Are people really surprised the media had a field day


Nobody remember the pitch invasion? We were basically branded scum by all and sundry and accused of sending football back to the dark ages


Reading did the same thing a month later and nothing was said....


They just can't wait to stick the boot into anything villa related

Edited by AshVilla
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Are people really surprised the media had a field day


Nobody remember the pitch invasion? We were basically branded scum by all and sundry and accused of sending football back to the dark ages


Reading did the same thing a month later and nothing was said....


They just can't wait to stick the boot into anything villa related

I also have observed this and it's not selective perception.

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We're a big club. We've been very boring for quite a while. When something interesting happens they latch on and make more of it than what it is. Imagine if that was Sterling lying pissed with his head in the road.

There's no agenda other than to sell media.

Edited by dont_do_it_doug.
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Now the Daily rag, Star are reporting the twitter exchanges between the girl and what I guess are Villa fans.

This needs to die down fast.

Jack grealish's brother didn't help that one
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We're a big club. We've been very boring for quite a while. When something interesting happens they latch on and make more of it than what it is. Imagine if that was Sterling lying pissed with his head in the road.

There's no agenda other than to sell media.




Anyway, I hope something bigger happens elsewhere so this subject can die off quickly.



Now the Daily rag, Star are reporting the twitter exchanges between the girl and what I guess are Villa fans.

This needs to die down fast.

Jack grealish's brother didn't help that one


Do you have the link to the article? In what means didn't he help?

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Now the Daily rag, Star are reporting the twitter exchanges between the girl and what I guess are Villa fans.

This needs to die down fast.

Jack grealish's brother didn't help that one

Yeah agreed Richard, I hope Kevan also learns something from this.

I also hope that we never see Jack in the press again for anything other than footballing reasons, not because I think him getting drunk is wrong far

from it but it's because I'm honestly worried that Villa will decide to terminate his contract.

I doubt that it's anywhere near that yet but if he continues to get in comprising situations where people are going to take photos to use against him at some point it might.

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Now the Daily rag, Star are reporting the twitter exchanges between the girl and what I guess are Villa fans.

This needs to die down fast.

Jack grealish's brother didn't help that one

Yeah agreed Richard, I hope Kevan also learns something from this.

I also hope that we never see Jack in the press again for anything other than footballing reasons, not because I think him getting drunk is wrong far

from it but it's because I'm honestly worried that Villa will decide to terminate his contract.

I doubt that it's anywhere near that yet but if he continues to get in comprising situations where people are going to take photos to use against him at some point it might.




I absolutely agree with this, SeanO, I put the same in an earlier post.

Edited by AntrimBlack
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He'd have to be in a pretty bloody bad way before that was considered!

Agreed but he needs to be careful as imagine if we were to have new owners who take a real hardline on poor behavior, or pressure from sponsors.

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Amusing article about this in the Guardian today.






What happens on footballer’s holiday in Vegas, or Tenerife, stays on holiday
Marina Hyde
Aston Villa’s Jack Grealish apparently had a few on the Spanish island and Jack Wilshere puffed on a fag in the entertainment capital of the world but the close season lasts about 40 minutes, so jollies are packed into smaller windows
 Jack Grealish has been summoned to a meeting by Aston Villa following his escapades on holiday. Photograph: JMP/Rex Shutterstock

Contact author


Wednesday 17 June 201511.04 BST Last modified on Thursday 18 June 201500.20 BST

To quote Kenneth Tynan, I doubt I could ever love anyone who gave a toss if Jack Grealish was drunk on holiday. In fact, I don’t think I could ever not despise them, tutting away on their phone-ins, transparently wishing it was them passed out insouciantly in the street, yet still able, thanks to a combination of age, natural gifts and being in peak physical condition, to get up the next morning, hit the beach and do it all over again, without being crucified by feelings of shame of self-loathing or a sense that they had somehow offended moral propriety. If they so much as suspected that Grealish had got laid as well that night, the few who didn’t combust with their own bitterness would demand Tim Sherwood fine him all his wages for the whole of next season.

As indicated, Aston Villa’s 19-year-old midfielder Grealish has been photographed after having had a few in Tenerife, the photo shared by some other kid at least a decade too young to think that anything has technically even happened to them unless they’ve posted a picture of it online. Anyone who reckons footballers never used to get up to this sort of thing before the digital era has suffered the most pitiable failure of the imagination – unfortunately, though, we are only projected to come to a grown-up accommodation with the realities of the social media age at some point in the late 22nd century.

In the meantime, in many quarters, outrage ensues. If it’s not Grealish, it’s Jack Wilshere having a fag in a pool in Vegas and I imagine it’ll be only days before Raheem Sterling lets himself, the headmaster and the whole school down. They’re “the type” aren’t they? The Victorian division between the deserving and the undeserving poor has been updated to give us deserving and undeserving footballers, and their comparatively tame transgressions have become the mood music of the close season. Yet voicing disapproval about footballers smoking or drinking on holiday is like live-tweeting Take Me Out. Even if you have nothing better to do, you should seek to give the impression that you have.

Clearly at a loose end, Villa have issued a statement. “The club is aware of photographs of Jack Grealish currently circulating”, this portentous communique reads, before going on to say that they will be “meeting with the player”. Why? Well, because mere anarchy would be loosed upon the world were they to take the position of declining to comment at all on the basis that Grealish is on a private holiday. Much of football appears so convinced of the near-bestial nature of its playing personnel that absurdly draconian punishments are handed out for supposed behavioural sins, pour encourager les autres. It is, apparently, the only language they understand.

Thus there are really only two acceptable “looks” for a footballer in the off season, both of which can be seen in the https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SUzcDUERLo. Either the player should rent a remote log barn and spend the time chopping wood and improvising weight training with an ox yoke. Or, if they’re older and/or are on loan from an American side, they should hone themselves in the world’s most hi-tech gym (I think the Brigitte Nielsen character actually went on to run the geriatric lab at Milan).

Players who fail to adhere to these rules must have every waking minute policed. We pay your wages, as the chant goes – indeed, a hilarious amount of fans seem to think footballers literally work for them and could probably draw you a really bad crayon diagram explaining exactly how. I always imagine this type of “football lover” as only a slightly less ghastly version of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOAcAXxA7zM, who would kidnap women while leering: “YOU’RE MY WIFE NOW.” Whenever their club signs a new player, these guys watch the telly footage of them holding up the shirt and rasp: “YOU WORK FOR ME NOW.”

Except they don’t. They play football for your club, at the market rate, and they’re really not morally obligated to spend their time off servicing your dim-bulb role model fantasy, 93% of which is predicated on the fact that you have unresolved issues about young working-class men getting rich. If they want to pass out in Playa de las Américas, get over it. Or go into analysis.

Furthermore, the close season now lasts about 40 minutes, obliging players to pack their jollies into far more contracted windows than previous eras allowed. It would take a heart of immense sanctimony not to be able to empathise. As I get older and my responsibilities increase, the opportunity of a big night out feels somehow wasted if I don’t exploit it to the very inadvisable maximum. Secretly, I would like to start in the West End and wake up in Rio, with no earthly explanation as to how I got there. Unfortunately, if you’ve failed to prearrange the possibility of intercontinental repatriation with the babysitter, this sort of thing has to stay a pipe dream. (Even an actual pipe dream has to stay a metaphorical pipe dream.)

But it doesn’t when you’re a young man in possession of a good fortune. If anything, I am rather disappointed to have never heard a single story of any player of the modern era waking up in another country during some time off. What’s wrong with you, Grealish? You could at least have come to in Lanzarote.


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There are far more people who are getting outraged about people moaning about his behaviour, than there are people moaning about his behaviour. It's hard to come across a young lad who hasn't been in his position on a holiday. If he weren't in the media spotlight he could talk to anyone about what had happened and he'd get the standard response of "well we've all been there"

Even being in the media spotlight. Who cares? Supposed to be setting an example??? Who honestly thinks someone his age would follow that example. He doesn't need to set an example that noone will pay attention to, and noone will think that's the correct way to behave just because he's doing it. They'll be doing it anyway if they haven't already. If they don't drink or get in that state then they will also continue to act like that.

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I'm not moaning and I'm certainly not outraged. I just don't want that from our professional footballers. Anyone else, fine, it's their body craic on. I did it.

It's a shame that journalist will never love me, but I think she missed the point entirely.

Edited by dont_do_it_doug.
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