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The RJW63 Official Jack Grealish Appreciation Thread


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5 hours ago, TRO said:

The longer this goes on, the less, I am caring....this is happening every year, we need to focus on our team...it is becoming a bit of a circus, to be honest and eventually it will impact on our other players.

£100+ mill is a huge amount of money....and spent wisely a lot can be done.

I don't have to remind myself....I am a Villa Fan first and a Jack Grealish fan second....and it will always be that way.

I see your point TRO, it is god damn annoying as hell. The slightest hint that Grealish is off and everyone's flapping around, from VT to Bluemoon to other forums like Arsenal Mania. Yes they are all talking about it and where he could end up. Let's just chill out and see what happens and while I do not think Jack will leave it's also very possible there is interest from Clubs. Yes interest mean such and such club picks up the phone and makes contact then some idiot gets wind of this and make all this horse crap up that's floating around making everyone go nuts. I do believe with how high a profile transfer target Grealish has become, if there were truth to it, Jack would of be snagged up as fast as we had signed Buendia..

As for the money 100 mill is a massive amount for us, but our Owners not much, wonder how long it takes NSWE to generate that?  We won't be able to do much with it because we've already lost the player who helps lure higher profile players to the club. Sure it will be ace for the books and FFP because a massive bit of cash has come in. Yet does that change a thing if we can't lure anyone to Villa because we've lost our lure??We may as well donate that 100 mill, not that I'd charge city 100mill, Jack's under contract and I'd make them pay whatever I'd want or city can do one.

The more I've seen posts over this past week the more is being added to the story of Jack leaving, again if City wanted him it would of been sorted quick this one.

Someone said earlier that Jack should come out and hint or something that there has been nothing going on, if he were that much a Villa fan he would do such a thing. The way we keep going back to the table over Jack each season suggests to me the money is starting to go to Jack's head and if that's the case he can leave and go City. To me I enjoy Jack for the player he is and he always has made out he's this caring, loyal and hardcore fan of Villa, sure he could still be that at City but nobody would think of him as what he said he were, everything he has said and done would be diminished so quick. I actually think he'd jump the line and move to most hated, more hated that Southgate if he went to City. As you said TRO nothing is certain in football and he'd be trading alot for uncertainty at City. He certainly wouldn't be loved like us fans love our own boy, yet if he leaves it'd all be a betrayal and us fans would feel stabbed in the back.

Jack stays he has to stay till his playing days are over and go out knowing he did what he could for the club as a diehard fan and someone that put club, loyalty and love above Uncertainty, that is the only way our fans will keep loving the bloke and supporting him. Jack will never get the love he gets here anywhere else which is why it would hurt us all souch if he left because of may reasons regarding him.

So if Jack decides to go he does so and loses his Captaincy, his team, his club, basically anything he's every built that took him a struggle and half to obtain. Sure he's in the spotlight now and he's a wanted guy but he has to be careful of that and what waits in the wind for him which is possible a bench warming career for a while at City or anywhere else. It maybe that Jack could win a trophy from sitting on the bench, yet I don't think that's how Jack wants to win a trophy as some other players are happy to do.

Jack has to decide, he's come along way and he has two roads in front of him, one leads back to Villa and the other to City. Which road is the most promising, full of delights and rewards, personally I'd say both but there's a difference in the feel of the rewards isn't there?? Rewards at City Jack may get them but they won't ever feel like the rewards he got at Villa because Villa is more of an emotional building up life of heart felt rewards, while City is more of in the way of items such as medals and trophys. Jack may end up throwing City rewards in a cabinet and later in life look back and say " I should never of traded Villa in for the rewards that didn't feel real", he has to think about these things.



Edited by Dave-R
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4 minutes ago, Dave-R said:

I see your point TRO, it is god damn annoying as hell. The slightest hint that Grealis is off and everyone's flapping around, from VT to Bluemoon to other forums like Arsenal Mania. Yes they are all talking about it and where he could end up. Let's just chill out and see what happens and while I do not think Jack will leave it's also very possible there is interest from Clubs. Yes interest mean such and such club picks up the phone and makes contact then some idiot gets wind of this and make all this horse crap up that's floating around making everyone go nuts. I do believe with how high a profile transfer target Grealish has become, if there were truth to it, Jack would of be snagged up as fast as we had signed Buendia..

As for the money 100 mill is a massive amount for us, but our Owners not much, wonder how long it takes NSWE to generate that?  We won't be able to do much with it because we've already lost the player who helps lure higher profile players to the club. Sure it will be ace for the books and FFP because a massive bit of cash has come in. Yet does that change a thing if we can't lure anyone to Villa because we've lost our lure??We may as well donate that 100 mill, not that I'd charge city 100mill, Jack's under contract and I'd make them pay whatever I'd want or city can do one.

The more I've seen posts over this past week the more is being added to the story of Jack leaving, again if City wanted him it would of been sorted quick this one.

Someone said earlier that Jack should come out and hint or something that there has been nothing going on, if he were that much a Villa he would do such a thing. The way we keep going back to the table over Jack each season suggests to me the money is starting to go to Jack's head and if that's the case he can leave and go City. To me I enjoy Jack for the player he is and he always has made out he's this caring, loyal and hardcore fan of Villa, sure he could still be that at City but nobody would think of him as what he said he were, everything he has said and done would be diminished so quick. I actually think he'd jump the line and move to most hated, more hated that Southgate if he went to City. As you said TRO nothing is certain in football and he'd be trading alot for uncertainty at City. He certainly wouldn't be loved like us fans love our own boy, yet if he leaves it'd all be a betrayal and us fans would feel stabbed in the back.

Jack stays he has to stay till his playing days are over and go out knowing he did what he could for the club as a diehard fan and someone that put club, loyalty and love above Uncertainty, that is the only way our fans will keep loving the bloke and supporting him. Jack will never get the love he gets here anywhere else which is why it would hurt us all souch if he left.

So if Jack decides to go he does so and loses his Captaincy, his team, his club, basically anything he's every built that took him a struggle and half to obtain. Sure he's in the slot light now and he's a wanted guy but he has to be careful of that and what waits in the wind for him which is possible a bench warming career for a while at City or anywhere else. It maybe that Jack could win a trophy from sitting on the bench, yet I don't think that's how Jack wants to win a trophy as some other players are happy to do.

Jack has to decide, he's come along way and he has two roads in front of him, one leads back to Villa and the other to City. Which road is the most promising, full of delights and rewards, personally I'd say both but there's a difference in the feel of the rewards isn't there?? Rewards at City Jack may get them but they won't ever feel like the rewards he got at Villa because Villa is more of an emotional building up life of heart felt rewards, while City is more of in the way of items such as medals and trophys. Jack may end up throwing City rewards in a cabinet and later in life look back and say " I should never of traded Villa in for the rewards that didn't feel real", he has to think about these things.



GIF by Giphy QA

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2 minutes ago, Chindie said:

If he goes he's just another player and we'll have an obscene payday.

If he doesn't he's an integral part of the club getting back to where it belongs and can chisel his name on the foundations of a dynasty, potentially.

Either way, nothing we can do about it, and some very rich people will be richer. What will be will be.

Where I am at

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   5 hours ago,  Fairy In Boots said: 


Stella are ruthless horrible organisation,, to them players are commodities to be traded and they don't care about legacy or support. In jacks ear will be "**** em" & "make your kids millionaires" 

I get grief on here, but what I know is as follows.  Before x-mas Jack, his dad, his agent & David Manasseh (Stella )  met Txiki &  Pep in London and talked about a deal, £300k p/w and Jack has a £100m buy out clause (we would value more but that's the clause, new contract doesn't have one) Villa only play left is to offer a contract but Villa don't know about how much city have offered so we will offer around 200k (he's on £150k p/w atm) our hands are tied on this they really are. It won't be on Villa if he does leave this is Camp Grealish and Stella.

Big question is will city spend £100m when they need a striker, I think they need to shift Fernandes or Sterling first to get Jack. Personally I'd say 80% he's off 20% stays and it will be next week not this week we get a resolution.

On Jack it's a lovely story and he has universal appeal that can help convert neutrals to Villa fans, but don't swallow this BS "it's my club" this is the third season this has happened and the third attempt to go or wangle better money.  Last year United baulked at £100m  they wanted to pay £65m but they had a £165k p/w deal on the table. We offered £150 p/w and a £100m release clause ( Grealish's camp insist on this) and we got a pic of him with his dog.  Loyalty is not part of this game anymore stop thinking it is 

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Just now, Eastie said:


   5 hours ago,  Fairy In Boots said: 


Stella are ruthless horrible organisation,, to them players are commodities to be traded and they don't care about legacy or support. In jacks ear will be "**** em" & "make your kids millionaires" 

I get grief on here, but what I know is as follows.  Before x-mas Jack, his dad, his agent & David Manasseh (Stella )  met Txiki &  Pep in London and talked about a deal, £300k p/w and Jack has a £100m buy out clause (we would value more but that's the clause, new contract doesn't have one) Villa only play left is to offer a contract but Villa don't know about how much city have offered so we will offer around 200k (he's on £150k p/w atm) our hands are tied on this they really are. It won't be on Villa if he does leave this is Camp Grealish and Stella.

Big question is will city spend £100m when they need a striker, I think they need to shift Fernandes or Sterling first to get Jack. Personally I'd say 80% he's off 20% stays and it will be next week not this week we get a resolution.

On Jack it's a lovely story and he has universal appeal that can help convert neutrals to Villa fans, but don't swallow this BS "it's my club" this is the third season this has happened and the third attempt to go or wangle better money.  Last year United baulked at £100m  they wanted to pay £65m but they had a £165k p/w deal on the table. We offered £150 p/w and a £100m release clause ( Grealish's camp insist on this) and we got a pic of him with his dog.  Loyalty is not part of this game anymore stop thinking it is 

I found the above post by fairy in boots to be quite detailed and worrying 

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1 minute ago, Eastie said:

I found the above post by fairy in boots to be quite detailed and worrying 

I found a flaw - Monsiuer Fairy knows how much wages Citeh were offering but Villa don't...

Before x-mas Jack, his dad, his agent & David Manasseh (Stella )  met Txiki &  Pep in London and talked about a deal, £300k p/w and Jack has a £100m buy out clause (we would value more but that's the clause, new contract doesn't have one) Villa only play left is to offer a contract but Villa don't know about how much city have offered so we will offer around 200k

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He should sign with Villa and take stock next summer. If he's not satisfied with our progress next June, then he should move. I think he should give us at least another full season.

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2 minutes ago, Eastie said:

I found the above post by fairy in boots to be quite detailed and worrying 

Not to credit or discredit Fairy in Boots, they posted just as compelling and detailed stories last season.

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I admire people's confidence that we'll still be on the rise without him. It's great to have that optimism but remember what happened after we sold players to them lot before - we went from challenging top 4 to inconceivably fighting relegation every season.


You'd hope things would be different with our current owners and they've certainly been phenomenal so far, but rebuilding the team if he goes will be the biggest challenge they've faced because he literally is the absolute focal point of our whole team. Look how much we struggled when he was out last season. 


If he goes and we bring in, say, Tammy, Bailey, Alvarez, Kamara, and players of a similar quality, then there's every chance we cope fine and maybe even improve without him because we'll be more of a team with a more competitive squad.


But the issue is bringing in players of a decent quality is harder when you've sold such a top player. There's been very slow movement on Bailey as it is and this will become much harder if Grealish goes because clubs will also charge us more knowing we have more money and will quality players will have doubts about coming. And if we then end up with lesser quality players I'd really worry about next season to be honest. 


I'm still hoping this is bull and he stays. The only way he goes is because the owners are powerless to stop a bid being accepted, so the only way these rumours are true is if a release clause exists. If it does and it's £100m (which seems to be the general consensus), I'd expect reinvestment of all of that + another £50m on top. But you'd surely want at least 2 or 3 quality players through the door before it's announced. 


I really hope we stop with any release clauses in future. They're an absolute joke and rarely exist in England (Harry Kane for instance doesn't have one). I only know of release clauses in Spain and they're usually so high that the buying club wouldn't even pay it anyway. 

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2 hours ago, Rodders said:

10 months is a long time in football. If we'd managed to sustain our top 6 push longer it might have persuaded him to stay, but as it is, whilst our future is and remains bright, it's not the guaranteed chance of CL and cups which City offer right now. If our owners had come in a season or two earlier, maybe we'd be close enough to him sticking around forever ( and let's not yet rule that option out! ). 


He's a fan and a professional. I'm a villa fan, if I was a professional player and had the kind of dilemma available, I'd consider the professional opportunities very seriously. As for the deal, that was his agent etc being smart, got him a good pay deal, and security, and if we'd managed to finish in a euopean spot, I think he'd be definitely staying on. He's going to maximise his chances whilst he can. 


Saying he's not a villa fan if he goes, is very petty really, I mean I guess / hope a lot of it will be hot air and frustration rather than genuine anatagonism towards him, but I don't have much faith in football fans these days to have a sense of perspective

I think you make some interesting points....but when players come out with "My Club, My City" that is pretty profound and spend much of their PR time telling fans how attached he is to the club, you can expect some scepticism at times like this.

Look, he hasn't gone yet, but the smoke is bigger than the fire, we have seen this before with Barry and Yorke and they went.....personally, I am kinda warming to the £100+ million, especially with Bailey looming and a few more prospective signings, should he go.

I do have a few things more to say, but I will shelve them for when and if he is gone.

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5 minutes ago, maqroll said:

He should sign with Villa and take stock next summer. If he's not satisfied with our progress next June, then he should move. I think he should give us at least another full season.

He should be giving us his life. Would Jack be Jack without Villa nooooo and the other way around, it's a relationship that should stay intact.

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