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The RJW63 Official Jack Grealish Appreciation Thread


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1 hour ago, Morley_crosses_to_Withe said:

Firstly, I say we hound him on social media for an apology. But wait - he’s already done that and shown genuine remorse for what he did.

You call that "genuine remorse" ? A scratchy phone apology that lasted a minute ?

That was just a weak effort to bail himself out in the hope stupid people would just go "hey look - its Jack - he's great - nothing to apologise for" !

He's our club captain, he is a role model for huge numbers of Villa fans and he's got off with a fine that he would class as small change found down the back of his sofa !

He owes us all a much more credible apology than that and as for those on here trying desperately to excuse him, give your heads a wobble ..... it is truly embarrassing !

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21 minutes ago, meregreen said:

Anybody else finding this to be a little bit tiresome now. He’s a pillock, he’s sorry, time to move on. The world will not come to an end because of Jack Grealish. 

i was livid yesterday. calmed down a bit today. doesn't appear to be much more to come for him i.e. police prosecution (take note kids, disappear for 24 hours you can't be done for drink driving as it'll be out of your system)

kinda want the other names to come out too though. they should be slammed in the same way jack has. presumably maddison and chilwell? fits the description i.e. household names and england players, plus they're chums with jack.

mccormack couldn't believe his luck i bet...all these premier league stars in his living room

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25 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

Social media rumour Mill now is that he wasn't the only premier league footballer there...

2 more of them 

That rules out anyone else from our first team then 😁

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I was shocked to read that they'd found white powder on his car seats.

The work he has put in to repairing his reputation and the way he's been looking after himself. Who would believe he's been hiding something like dandruff from us?

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1 hour ago, Stevo985 said:

So it doesn't.

Again I'm not saying it wasn't his apartment, but it certainly hasn't been confirmed yet

Its reported as his flat in 2 different newspapers. 

They are tabloids but I'm not sure how it would be confirmed in other ways. Can't see Ross popping up and admitting to things. 

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8 minutes ago, Paddywhack said:

I was shocked to read that they'd found white powder on his car seats.

The work he has put in to repairing his reputation and the way he's been looking after himself. Who would believe he's been hiding something like dandruff from us?



Stop reading red tops 

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5 minutes ago, DCJonah said:

Its reported as his flat in 2 different newspapers. 

They are tabloids but I'm not sure how it would be confirmed in other ways. Can't see Ross popping up and admitting to things. 

Thanks. The only place I'd seen it was this thread so didn't know if it was actually reported anywhere.

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1 hour ago, Paul33 said:

You call that "genuine remorse" ? A scratchy phone apology that lasted a minute ?

That was just a weak effort to bail himself out in the hope stupid people would just go "hey look - its Jack - he's great - nothing to apologise for" !

He's our club captain, he is a role model for huge numbers of Villa fans and he's got off with a fine that he would class as small change found down the back of his sofa !

He owes us all a much more credible apology than that and as for those on here trying desperately to excuse him, give your heads a wobble ..... it is truly embarrassing !

That has to be one of the most disingenuous apologies ever. He should have just crawled under a stone for the duration of this pandemic. 

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6 minutes ago, bannedfromHandV said:

He’s obviously been a bit silly but some of the reactions on here yesterday were embarrassing and totally OTT.

Not sure why I’d expect anything else mind.

there were posts from folks whose wives were working on the front line during this pandemic...literally risking their lives. people who hadn't seen their parents + family in weeks too. i dont think anyone is in a position to say that the reactions from these are embarrassing or OTT when we all know that the way to get through this is by each of us playing our part and staying indoors then we see our captain going to a party.

i was absolutely livid yesterday...i can't imagine how i'd feel if my mrs was a nurse or something.

villatalk has overreacted on more than one occasion in the past...yesterday wasn't one of those days IMO

Edited by tomav84
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15 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

Thanks. The only place I'd seen it was this thread so didn't know if it was actually reported anywhere.

Assumed you’d seen the media reports. That plus McCormack’s ex post pretty much confirms it for me. I doubt any more will come of the fact it was his apartment though, the club and Jack’s inner circle have gone into protect mode.

Seems fairly obvious how this now goes. The police will question him and no further action taken (too late to breathalyse him, he left details at the scene so difficult to charge him with anything). The club have fined him. He’s apologised. People forget these things quicker than we think they do. 

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Postmen are Still out delivering junk mail, shop workers are still having to go to work to sell all manner of nine essential goods. Everyday hundreds and thousands of people are out and about  ... The lock down was brought in to slow the pace of this so not to overwhelm the NHS. I’d also point out in a any given year regular flu can kill 500,000+ globally... I think some perspective about the dangers is required. At the frontline of the NHS it is awful I accept that completely and they deserve a better government. 

He will rightly be fined and warned about his behaviour. He went out and got caught and has faced consequences. That’s the end of it for me. 

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