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The RJW63 Official Jack Grealish Appreciation Thread


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My favourite thing about Jack is his gargantuan nuts. Never see him hiding. Never see him shy away when the pressure is on. Desperate to succeed this season so I can watch him for at least another season.

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'I can half understand that,' he says. 'He can't really judge me against someone else in my position if they are playing against Manchester Uniteds every week and I'm playing in the Championship.

'I'm 23 now and I'm not getting any younger. I want to challenge myself, I'm desperate to play in the Premier League and I want to play for England. So for me personally, I think this is the year we've got to get promoted really.'


Well, shit. This adds an extra level of importance to the playoffs. 

He deserves to be in the PL, and if he does end up going, I'll know he could have left us some time ago and it's his love for this club that's kept him wearing claret and blue up until this point. I  bloody hope we can succeed and keep him here for his career though. There's nothing like seeing a genuine Villa fan with the armband, and knowing he's as excited as anyone in the Holte every time he steps on to the pitch. 

I was sceptical about whether he really justified the hype, but now I absolutely love him.

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1 hour ago, Davkaus said:

Well, shit. This adds an extra level of importance to the playoffs. 

He deserves to be in the PL, and if he does end up going, I'll know he could have left us some time ago and it's his love for this club that's kept him wearing claret and blue up until this point. I  bloody hope we can succeed and keep him here for his career though. There's nothing like seeing a genuine Villa fan with the armband, and knowing he's as excited as anyone in the Holte every time he steps on to the pitch. 

I was sceptical about whether he really justified the hype, but now I absolutely love him.

Yes, that's pretty much it right there. 

If we don't get promoted he goes with by blessing and thanks.  Such a shame that he came along at this time.  Any time in the previous 30 years and he could have had a full career in the Premier League and hopefully all of it with us. 

If he's goes you can't blame him.  He's far far too good for this league. 

Hopefully the fee will be big enough to pay off some FFP money AND buy a McGinn or two. 

Let's pray we get this right and only then need to worry if our Champions League push isn't going well and Barcelona come a knocking. 

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20 minutes ago, The Fun Factory said:

For the sake of his career and his health, Jack should not be in the Championship next season. He should be in the prem, with the Villa.

I agree,  but if we don't make it then Jack should still be in the premier League next season with our blessing. Jack's career is short but Aston villa Will be here forever .

 Take us up with you Jack, we all know you can do this especially with the team and manager  we have 🙏

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30 minutes ago, vreitti said:

It's quite simple actually. If we don't get promoted now, we should just loan him to manure, spurs or whatever for one season. 😉

The problem is if we don't have Grealish we would almost certainly need his transfer Income to get the squad to a standard to get promoted, so it's kind of a catch 22.

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12 minutes ago, Brumstopdogs said:



I have to say that if that is true then I am staggered. Delighted. But staggered.

The highest figure I'd heard before this was £40m but who knows what's true?

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2 hours ago, privateer said:

I have to say that if that is true then I am staggered. Delighted. But staggered.

The highest figure I'd heard before this was £40m but who knows what's true?

I had read some time ago it was around the £40/45m mark. £60m though - still a bargain imo and worth every single penny to anyone who pays it.

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