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Inrupt - The Solid Personal Online Data Store


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 It’s time to reset the balance of power on the web and reignite its true potential.

When Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the web, it was intended for everyone. The excitement and creativity of its early days were driven from the notion that we can all participate - and the impact was world-changing.

But the web has shifted from its original promise - and it’s time to make a change.

We can still unlock the true promise of the web by decentralizing the power that’s currently centralized in the hands of a few. How? By using the power of Solid.

Solid is the technically potent open-source platform built to decentralize the web. Inrupt is the company that’s helping to fuel Solid’s success.

About inrupt

It’s time your data worked for you

... as an individual, group or organization - and not solely for the profit of others. With Solid you have unprecedented control of your data. Create, manage and secure your own personal online data store (POD). You decide who accesses it. We call this “personal empowerment through data" and it’s one of inrupt’s founding principles.

What if your apps all talked to each other?

That’s what it’ll feel like using apps built on Solid. Instead of relying on many discrete apps to run your life and business, use inrupt to find new customized, enriching and intelligent apps. Enhance your personal and business productivity in ways that today’s web simply cannot handle.

The power of “universal” data

Solid works across all data formats neutralizing data silos and incompatibility issues that limit innovation. The result? Find insights that previously were hidden, inaccessible or unimaginable - particularly valuable for enterprises.

A world of new business opportunities

Inrupt creates a new ecosystem for commerce, a place where entrepreneurial developers can innovate and generate revenue, and trusted businesses provide ancillary products and services.


Register for the Solid prototype here - https://inrupt.net/

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I think Inrupt need to hire some marketing people. I keep hearing about it, then reading up a bit and I'm still not 100% sure what it's for and how I will use it. 

Still, I've signed up already so I guess I'll work it out at some point soon.

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