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Everything posted by Rob182

  1. The annoys on these cartoon annoy me. I guess it’s their little quirk to make them different, but come on, the eyes are always off the face… except for when the cop is crying?! They can’t even be consistent with their bullshit
  2. I’ve just cancelled my subscription (citing ‘Price’ as the reason!) and will go with the free functions. I think it basically just works like normal, except for you either don’t get to see the videos unless they’re live, or they only save for 24 hours (I’ve seen different comments online) instead of 2 weeks or whatever it is. We already have 4 security cameras that record to a box and store for 4+ weeks, so Ring can do one!
  3. Ring doorbell subscription going up 100% in 2 years. First world problems
  4. I’m thinking of getting into recording some low effort ‘Lo Fi’ versions of my songs. I reckon this would record them perfectly
  5. I got a *new* car 2 days ago and I’m onto CD 2 already, after only driving it 3 times!
  6. Good spot. I’m a bit of a dinosaur myself, so I’d still go for the physical DVD. I also still buy CDs
  7. Thank **** for that! I thought maybe you’d moved to London or something
  8. Have I misread this post, or are you saying that £1300 p/m was a bit cheap for nursery? On what planet is that cheap?! Or do you have him in for 7 days a week?
  9. The DVD is £3 on eBay if you can be bothered / have a DVD player.
  10. Yeah, it just seems unnecessary. They clearly know their kid is good, and if she does something that genuinely shocks them then great. But the constant, loud fawning for the whole of the viewing room to hear is so tiring. I don’t think there’s an element of this swimming class that my daughter is better than theirs at, as my daughters not the most physical , but at least I feel safe in the knowledge that she’s not being brought up by a couple of baggies dipsticks (just overheard them talking about the boggies).
  11. Also, on car parking, two adults going to the gym next to my daughter’s swimming place parked in a child & parent space. I wish I had some pen and paper to write a witty note, something like “just because you drive like a child and have a child’s car, doesn’t mean you can park here”… The car is some ugly, tiny turquoise box.
  12. At my little ones swimming, the two parents of this one kid are so annoying. Their daughter is a good swimmer, and has been very strong ever since she joined the group about 2 months ago. EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK. The parents loudly proclaim how shocked they are about how good she is. “Oh my god, I can’t believe how good she’s doing”. “Oh my god, I think she puts her head under the water too much” “wow, she’s so fast!” Have you not seen your **** daughter before you cretins?!
  13. Healers, traders, plunge tubs, new acts ‘anounced’ soon, but they have never heard of bit.ly or another link shortening site
  14. This is the right answer. My dad grafted like a bugger until his early 60s when he finally retired. He got about 2 good years of holidaying with my mom before cancer did him in. A year later my mom got cancer (thankfully now in remission). Now, 2 years later, my uncle has got cancer in his early 60s in his lung, kidney and liver. Life comes at you fast, so don’t count your blessings, basically.
  15. Just enjoy it, I guess?
  16. While I’m moaning about phone storage… my WhatsApp chat with @Paddywhack and @lapal_fan takes up 35gb on my phone Because while those pair just deleted/lost the history, I wanted to keep all of our ‘comedy’ voice notes and videos to each other. I really want to delete it and free up some memory, but… what about the funny voice clips @lapal_fan sent us in 2016 where he pretended to be an entrepreneur called Alfonso with great ideas such as “catch the bus to the bus stop” or “compare the comparison website site”
  17. So do you just iCloud backup the photos on your phone before you then back them up elsewhere? Otherwise 50gb is nothing. I transfer mine onto an external harddrive every 6-12 months. To be honest, I need to back *that* up, because I don’t like having it stored in just one place. But I’ve just never taken to the cloud. I always ended up doing that thing where your photos are on the cloud and not the phone, if that makes sense, so whenever you want to watch a video you have to wait for the blasted thing to load/buffer etc. My wife has that setting on her phone and it drives me mad.
  18. I don’t like idea of the cloud. £8.99 p/m for the rest of your life, or more if you fill that up. And if one day you decide you don’t want to keep paying you have to somehow figure out where to download millions of photos and videos to, by which point we’ll all likely be well into our years of not understanding the latest tech that the youngsters are using
  19. My 3 year old son loves all the Toy Storys, we’ve also just recently discovered ‘Onward’ on Disney+ which we enjoyed. Definitely from about 2 1/2 onwards I noticed that attention span to watch films improve. We also took YouTube off their iPads as they were increasingly watching junk!
  20. No apostrophe in the title is a let down. 1/10, will not watch
  21. I boil the kettle and fill my cup with boiled water for a minute, before making my coffee. (Hot water discarded in the sink obviously).
  22. Someone at work told me a couple of weeks ago that Pret’s filter coffee is around £1, and was 90p until recently. He also said that when the filter coffee runs out in the afternoon, they’ll occasionally do you a black Americano if you ask for a filter coffee. I’m not sure how true that is, or whether it’s specific to the Pret near my work (brind. place)
  23. I’m currently using my 6th coffee machine. I’ve had nespresso and tassimo before, but I just prefer a ground coffee machine / bean to cup one, with a ‘steam wand’. That being said, I can still stomach instant coffee. I do find that if I have too many ‘proper’ coffees in a day, my mouth starts to feel a bit… oily? From the coffee bean oils, I assume!
  24. Fair points. As someone who likes a latte or a flat white, I’ve never found a ‘one click’ machine do stretched milk as good as a barista though.
  25. Their coffee really isn’t better than Starbucks or Nero. For a start it’s an automatic machine made one. (I don’t let my snobbery get in the way of me getting a Greggs coffee 2 mornings a week on my drive to the office).
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