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Status Updates posted by Dodgyknees

  1. RT @jenanmoussa: Name of Afghan girl beheaded by radicals is #Shukria. This is her pic. Least we can do is remember her name &face: https:/…

  2. RT @NHS4XmasNo1: Here is the single that will be Christmas No.1 with your help. Please watch, share and download from 19th Dec: https://t.c…

  3. @HughsWaronWaste I have to say, @Morrisons are a disgrace. And calling 2nds 'ugly' and wondering why it doesn't sell? Stupid. #ibackfarmers

  4. RT @EU_Commission: #EqualPayDay marks the day when women in #EU stop being paid. Close the #GenderPayGap: https://t.co/vaUrEh6Ih0 https://t…

  5. RT @JeremyCorbyn4PM: .@TheSun newspaper run with an out-and-out lie on their front page this morning.RT if you think this is unacceptable h…

  6. @Der_Wanderfalke don't panic, I was 27 when I got mine ????????

  7. RT @johnlewis: 99+ notifications. Sigh.

  8. RT @Michael1979: My friend Simon is borrowing my laptop tomorrow. So I've accidentally left a chilling surprise for him to find. https://t.…

  9. @issassin such a legend! Yet Barry who gave more is hated ????

  10. At least we are in the Barclays Prem in the year 2070! #avfc https://t.co/NiCkAt55PE

  11. @PittisEA a few weeks worth, not including those already binned. Please PLEASE tell those posting to stop. E Cowes! https://t.co/XqANzRwIwX

  12. RT @IanReid25: @Herring1967 My mate ordered a paper from the day his daughter was born from an online company. He got this. http://t.co/Mkq…

  13. @issassin @Sportaholic_ Reckon it'll be announced tomorrow.

  14. @jaywhite_1 Still to see it, hope you enjoyed yourself tonight :)

  15. RT @rickygervais: This just happened on Sky News. https://t.co/t8zbaSScDC

  16. @Alex_Murray17 pipe n slippers!

  17. @SVectisMatt would like it if there were a num 5 between 1135 and 1240. I finish after 1135 and have nearly 1hour wait. Same 4 others :(

  18. RT @The_ZBOX: RT: Enter our giveaway to win a #TimeTravel prize bundle: https://t.co/wDeK05G132 #BackToTheFuture #SciFi #ZBOX https://t.co/…

  19. The Corbyn quote at PMQs that silenced his critics once and for all https://t.co/Eq08Oz3su1

  20. Millionaire Andrew Lloyd Webber Mocked After Flying To UK To Vote For Tax Credit Cuts https://t.co/5O7O5JDyQ5 # via HuffPostUK

  21. @AshTheNeon Garde? Highly rated. A step up from the chancers we have had recently (MON, DOL, PL etc)

  22. The World's First Modular Smartwatch is popular on @Kickstarter! https://t.co/Yy68Y6ImAM - the future of smartwacthes by @chooseblocks

  23. RT @Redpeter99: "....so I had the pig's head and Lord Chinless-Frobisher said I dare you...." https://t.co/G6OurmQyB8

  24. @noodIephil well done :) see you tomorrow?

  25. @issassin but he gave his all when he played for us.... No wait..

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