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Everything posted by AvfcRigo82

  1. It will all count for nothing if there isn't an exercise bike in the pisser. Pack of sister shagging wank blankets.
  2. I'm sure Mirah had a fling with him too at one stage around the early 00's. Never been a fan of him really or his music.
  3. I wouldn't mutter a damn word. I wouldn't do anything that would instantly draw attention. Deffo wouldn't go public that's for sure. As @bickster states, I would be out the country within a matter of days to reflect on it all but using the excuse "I've been head hunted by a company in (random country) who have called me in for an interview".
  4. Something i've noticed quite a few times now this season (especially at home games) is how quick we seem to belt through 'Allez Allez Allez'. I think it would be better if it was sang a tad slower and actually taking a breath between verses. It appears very rushed compared to Anfield. It pains me to say it but they appear to sing it much better.
  5. It's the atmosphere we've been wanting/waiting to see all season so far. Fantastic.
  6. It's not just Facebook, alot of sites/companies these days seem to be owned/run by arseh*les it appears.
  7. I was saying this the other day there. Jonathan Pierce has became a right downbeat misrable ********.
  8. Added to that, IIRC, they were also 'apparently' using stale/recycled chocolate on products like boost, picnic etc.
  9. Not seen anyone else mention it lately so I'll assume this post is directed at me. But yeah, I read about their practices years ago etc. Maybe the chocolate in this advent calendar has fallen foul to the same problem? I should buy some Revels instead, I might enjoy the traces of rubber within if their recent product recall is anything to go by.
  10. Correct, various ones too. The point I was making in the op, where it's been manufactured, it's like it's had someone standing next to the production line with a pot of paint like it's contaminated the product and it's been 'tainted'.
  11. I'm not sure what there is to understand. Eating chocolate for years. So when you go to eat the same chocolate and it tastes like shite or 'tainted' that's where the problem is.
  12. Yes! I remember this! Even better was the statement that they released afterwards:- "We would also like to make it clear that Birmingham City Football Club has never won the European Cup!" It breaks yer 'arrt!
  13. Cadbury advent calendar. The chocolate tastes like it's got liquor in it or it's been manufactured amongst chemicals! Tasted it from my one on day one. My daughter gave me the one from her calendar this morning, same problem. Absolute rancid shit.
  14. Can't believe this show is still on the TV! It was shite years ago and by the sounds of things it's still shite now - with an even more annoying arsehole presenting it.
  15. Must be something borrowed? Photos look to old for it to be the FA Cup they stole.
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