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Everything posted by sharkyvilla

  1. Me too, but I've done it the other way round. Love Inside Number 9 but League of Gentlemen I've struggled to get into having started watching it for the first time a month or two ago. New series of Taskmaster tonight
  2. It's funny how New Balance have become popular, I remember growing up my Dad steering me towards NB or Gola football boots and I'd tell him no **** way, I'm having Umbro. Tbf i was thinking how nice some NB stuff was the other day. I just go for Adidas in a shade of brown.
  3. I think mine is also when in France, where I somehow managed to headbutt a small model of the Eiffel Tower and got the point of it stuck in my forehead. Virtually all my early memories are of holiday shenanigans.
  4. Watching Les Mis was one of the worst experiences I've ever paid for. They just never stopped singing and I had no idea what was going on. We'd been to the pub beforehand so I bursting for a piss for almost entire first half and the theatre was too old and cramped to nip out without making a bit of a scene. I know one show is a small sample but I think I hate all musicals.
  5. The sound of children laughing outside my flat. Also, turning into a grumpy old bastard.
  6. Jesus Christ, Titus Oneill tripping over is one of those things that just gets funnier and funnier every time I watch it
  7. Exactly, as long as the Doctor gives him a decent pot of money to spend which I should think is likely, Bruce should be able to get mid-table if we go up. Then when it's time to push on to the next level, get someone else in.
  8. Until I discovered beer/cheap lager as a teenager I hated all fizzy drinks. Now I don't mind them so much, though I'm not a fan of Coke. Fizzy water however is worse than rabies.
  9. It looks like it's distributed by BBC Worldwide. For example I believe BBC America shows a lot of UK programmes that they didn't originally show over here on the Beeb, so my best guess is that Friday Night Dinner is one of those, and Netflix get the rights from there rather than Channel 4.
  10. A single sprout seems to taste of a thousand cabbages condensed into one bitesized portion to me. I don't like vegetables but thanks to the influence of my Mum when growing up I will eat them anyway, except sprouts and mushrooms.
  11. I've always hated cabbage but I had sauerkraut for the first time the other week and it was surprisingly nice. The only problem is that you go in any restaurant in Germany and it stinks of the stuff. I've tried the adding bacon thing to Brussels sprouts before but it just made the bacon taste like sprouts and tasted minging.
  12. Finished 7 Seconds this evening, I ended up really enjoying it after being a bit iffy to start with. A few of the characters grew on me, I was worried that they were making everyone a bastard but they developed quite well.
  13. I can only see a vague February/March date written anywhere, so I guess it's a case of checking regularly for when the itinerary comes out. I'd love to do a Test or two there.
  14. I guess it wasn't that well done then. I might have a go at reading the book.
  15. I watched American Psycho last night which was great, though the ending made my head hurt a bit. I guess that was the whole idea, I normally don't like things that have an ambiguous ending but this was well done.
  16. Don't want to jinx us but this may be an opportunity to boost the goal difference.
  17. I'm one of those who watched a couple of series of The Sopranos and thought it was ok but nothing special (and yes I'm a big fan of 24 too). I guess I could go back and retry it at some stage.
  18. Well, Chelsea seems more like an elaborate Russian money laundering scheme to me, whereas I think the jury is out on whether a different manager would be able to do better in the market with Arsenal than Wenger did. Tbh I'm not that well versed in the actual goings on at Arsenal.
  19. If Conte gets the Jill n Jack from Chelsea I'd be on the phone straight away if I was Arsenal.
  20. It'll be a tough job for whoever takes over, a bit like replacing Fergie has been incredibly difficult as he basically built the club to be what it is today, albeit Arsenal will be starting from a lower base next season.
  21. It's the ECB way, think of an idea so unpalatable that the last idea seems sensible and the counties vote for the franchise T20 as designed.
  22. I think Pisa is the biggest shithole I've ever been to on holiday. Awful. Can't believe I actually went to a place that advertised a wonky building as its main attraction. Shithole.
  23. The lack of an ice cream man in the park this afternoon. Check the forecast you moron.
  24. I prefer 'Don't get done, get Dom!'. Tbf it's the one thing I fear about owning a house, just getting my pants pulled down by some bastard. I'd chop their hands off.
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