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The Optimist

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Villa - A car that won't start



The metaphor I would use to describe Villa at the moment is that of a car that is stuttering to start. But once it does it will be fine. I don't mind that our start has been poor. Most would not have expected an easy transition from a McLeish side. Granted we probably didn't expect the worst start in a generation, but that's what we have. We still need to look at it objectively and not start self-harming over statistics though.

We are going through a phase where it appears that we can't buy a result. We didn't deserve to lose to Fulham but the fact is we did lose. As a team we are getting better and the results will eventually start to come. We are going through the hardship of learning our new system in an arena that is very unforgiving towards any kind of weakness. And our weakness is merely an unfamiliarity. There is no solution to unfamiliarity other than practice and repetition.

We will start to click. The engine will fire. It will be an almost imperceptible change. The play on the pitch mightn't even improve to the naked eye. But what will start to happen; as is the case with familiarity; is that players will just start to be in the positions that they need to be in. Passes will just happen to become more incisive. The strikers will start to find the net and the defence will just happen to become a more cohesive unit. And by extension the results will just happen to improve.

It is happening slowly. More slowly than we would like and more slowly than is ideal. But it is happening and once this car starts and properly warms up, we will move up the league. How far we climb is open to discussion. But it will be enough for this season; a season that I feel is so important to the midterm future of this club. As I've said before and will no doubt say again, if we can just get through this difficult transitional season in one piece then we will be very healthy going forward. As fans we just need to stay patient and trust Paul Lambert. I know that he knows what he is doing and I also appreciate that it is not the usual behaviour of the Villa fan to be calm and optimistic (that's true of most fans I'd imagine), but for the greater good we must remain supportive from the stands.

Next up is the rather epic grudge match against his former side Norwich City. Hopefully that will give the lads the extra few percent of motivation required to get a result and kickstart our season. One thing's for sure. After watching them beat Arsenal the other day, the manner in which they did it tells me we'll have to match their phenomenal workrate or be left for dead.

Come on Villa, just give her a bit more throttle :)


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I have to disagree with you there BOF.I would say we are more like a new prototype car, one that does not have all the correct pieces in the correct place yet.

We have been thrashed by the teams above us and we have not beaten any of the teams below us ( so where are our points going to come from ?)

I fear that time will run out before this car is ready to take to the road.

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Hi PussEKatt, thanks for the comment! :) You'll appreciate that this article was written in October, long before our recent disastrous run. I'd tend to agree with your analogy now and if I was writing the article today then perhaps that's the one I'd have gone with.

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