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Designer1 last won the day on December 1 2022

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About Designer1


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    Movie Mogul

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    The Bonk

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  1. I always love how this type of game can be played by two people with such a difference in experience. Haven't had any of the issues with quests and been having a blast and making my way to the Warfarer vocation. It's one of the most 'pure' rpgs I've played since...well DD1 and I love how much freedom and lack of hand holding there is. Combat is great once you can hire some decent Pawns and get the group synergy working well. I've found that after hitting lvl 30, we can take on most mobs without too much hassle. The only thing I'm still not ok with is the lack of Portcrystals. I don't mind the travelling but I think 4 or 5 at the start of the game would have made things a little more user friendly without sacrificing difficulty. Really good game otherwise.
  2. 88% on RT so generally positive. Ticket is booked for tomorrow. I like most of Garlands work, he's always interesting.
  3. Can't wait for this. One of my all time favourite games. Assuming there's a separate trophy list for the ps5 update I'll be going for my second Platinum on it.
  4. Really enjoyed this. Didn't realise until a couple of episodes in that the actor in the main role was the guy that it happened to in real life. Scary stuff, but really good.
  5. First episode is fantastic. As someone who has clocked over 1,000 hours across 3,4 and NV I can confidently say they've nailed the look, feel, the humour and the storytelling of the games, but even more importantly I think even if you know zero about the world I think most will enjoy it. Hope the quality is maintained for the whole series.
  6. It's reviewing very well indeed. Looking forward to starting this tomorrow.
  7. I'd rather they went out of business completely and their ground was turned into a Lidl.
  8. If Ti West manages to land this one, he could have one of the greatest horror trilogies ever on his hands. Can't bloody wait.
  9. I've played with some drummers who sounded like they did.
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